Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on Unsafe Sex - 2183 Words
I. THE SUBJECT(S): This plan/proposal will be directed at youths ranging from 12-18. It is not gender specific and covers all demographics. The subjects are presumably healthy and well-adjusted individuals except they are participating in a risky sexual practice. The behavior in question is the undertaking of unprotected homosexual or heterosexual consensual sex. There is a host of issues that stem from this action including sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and unwanted teenage pregnancy. The statistics of these issues are increasing among this demographic of individuals. Children are having unprotected sex and are infecting each other with STD’s, HIV/AIDS and are getting pregnant. This not only hurts the individuals but it is†¦show more content†¦Lets take a look at STD’s first. STD’s are a direct result from unprotected sex. Some of these diseases include but not limited to: †¢ Syphilis †¢ Gonorrhea †¢ Chlamydia †¢ Warts †¢ Herpes Many of the infections are curable but some are not. Certain ones can cause irreparable damage and even death. All are treatable if detected in the proper amount of time. All are preventable if a condom is worn during intercourse. Lets examine HIV/AIDS next. This is the worst possible result from this behavior. HIV/AIDS is incurable and can be highly fatal if not caught in time. The devastation it can wreak ion the body is horrendous. At the very least, the treatment will consist of a host of medications that have many side effects, must be taken daily for life and are extremely expensive. The stigma of this disease is also something to take into consideration. This is another direct result of unprotected vaginal or anal sex. The prevention of this disease is as simple as wearing a condom. Lastly, there is unwanted pregnancy and is another direct result of unprotected sex. Unwanted teen pregnancy might not usually have any physical implication but many psychological problems accomp any a pregnancy. They can include: †¢ Denial †¢ Guilt †¢ Anxiety †¢ Fear of future, being accepted, not loved †¢ Depression Again, condom use can prevent unwantedShow MoreRelatedUnsafe Sex Practice3833 Words  | 16 PagesUnsafe sex or unprotected sex describes sexual contact of any form that takes place in the absence of a condom normally used in preventing the risk of sexually transmitted infections and HIV (Chambers, 2010). The World Health Organisation (2004) considers all the consequences that can arise from unsafe sex practice and came up with a broader definition stating that any sexual contact that can lead to unwanted pregnancy, abortion, infertility, unstable mental conditions and cancer arising from certainRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion On The Philippines Essay1620 Words  | 7 Pagesbeing illegal due to religious morals. 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