Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on Unsafe Sex - 2183 Words
I. THE SUBJECT(S): This plan/proposal will be directed at youths ranging from 12-18. It is not gender specific and covers all demographics. The subjects are presumably healthy and well-adjusted individuals except they are participating in a risky sexual practice. The behavior in question is the undertaking of unprotected homosexual or heterosexual consensual sex. There is a host of issues that stem from this action including sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and unwanted teenage pregnancy. The statistics of these issues are increasing among this demographic of individuals. Children are having unprotected sex and are infecting each other with STD’s, HIV/AIDS and are getting pregnant. This not only hurts the individuals but it is†¦show more content†¦Lets take a look at STD’s first. STD’s are a direct result from unprotected sex. Some of these diseases include but not limited to: †¢ Syphilis †¢ Gonorrhea †¢ Chlamydia †¢ Warts †¢ Herpes Many of the infections are curable but some are not. Certain ones can cause irreparable damage and even death. All are treatable if detected in the proper amount of time. All are preventable if a condom is worn during intercourse. Lets examine HIV/AIDS next. This is the worst possible result from this behavior. HIV/AIDS is incurable and can be highly fatal if not caught in time. The devastation it can wreak ion the body is horrendous. At the very least, the treatment will consist of a host of medications that have many side effects, must be taken daily for life and are extremely expensive. The stigma of this disease is also something to take into consideration. This is another direct result of unprotected vaginal or anal sex. The prevention of this disease is as simple as wearing a condom. Lastly, there is unwanted pregnancy and is another direct result of unprotected sex. Unwanted teen pregnancy might not usually have any physical implication but many psychological problems accomp any a pregnancy. They can include: †¢ Denial †¢ Guilt †¢ Anxiety †¢ Fear of future, being accepted, not loved †¢ Depression Again, condom use can prevent unwantedShow MoreRelatedUnsafe Sex Practice3833 Words  | 16 PagesUnsafe sex or unprotected sex describes sexual contact of any form that takes place in the absence of a condom normally used in preventing the risk of sexually transmitted infections and HIV (Chambers, 2010). The World Health Organisation (2004) considers all the consequences that can arise from unsafe sex practice and came up with a broader definition stating that any sexual contact that can lead to unwanted pregnancy, abortion, infertility, unstable mental conditions and cancer arising from certainRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion On The Philippines Essay1620 Words  | 7 Pagesbeing illegal due to religious morals. 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Ultimately in order to promote better reproductive/sexual health and provide better access to contraceptives and abortion within the Latina community in Los Angeles, policy makers should promote safe sex practices within families, communities, and schools and also should educate Latinas of all options they have. In addition to education, sexual and reproductive health services such as contraceptives and abortion should be able to be accessible to LatinasRead MoreThe Effects Of Sex Education On Children1107 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to Roemer and Paxman, there are laws and regulations regarding sex education that inhibit children from being exposed to sexuality. I believe the idea of shielding children from sexuality is not based on evidence, and may really be dangero us. There are several studies researching how children are affected through early introduction. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Systemic Corruption Of Latin America Essay - 2074 Words
â€Å"There is systemic corruption in Latin America.†Corruption is rooted in the psyche of the Latin America population and together with the procedures make impossible or incredibly long, the people prefers to bribe in order to make the procedures. Moreover, corruption affects the highest levels of government. In order to face this problem, â€Å"Latin America has made significant progress in combating poverty and inequality.†The economic development of states in Latin America benefiting from the international trade but it not enough to maintain economic stability within states, deviant globalization creates an opportunity to transnational crime organization to realize deferent activities like drugs trafficking, human trafficking. The Western Hemisphere presents deferent problems unlike other regions of the world, mainly Latin America is affected by problems of corruption and drug trafficking. Weak states is the biggest challenge in Western Hemisphere, becaus e corruption in Latin America is one of the factor that creates lack of rule of law, in addition a weak economy and absence of adequate law enforcement creates a safe haven for transnational criminal organization. Moreover, the region presents serious problems in the quality of democracy regarding human rights, as well as illegal immigration. In fact, the effects of globalization both affect weak states positively and negatively, to respond to this challenge states must cooperate to economically develop the region andShow MoreRelatedThe Washington Consensus And Related Structural Adjustment Provisions ( Saps )1101 Words  | 5 PagesThe Washington Consensus (the Consensus) and related structural adjustment provisions (SAPs) are methods of economic policymaking for a developing society. It has bred a neoliberalist miasma in Latin America, asserting themes of privatisation, deregulation and liberalisation. 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She proves that the crisis of the traditional parties and the transformation of the historical electoral constrains wereRead MoreLack Of Rule Of Law Enforcement Essay2141 Words  | 9 PagesThere is systemic corruption in Latin America.†Corru ption is rooted in the psyche of the South American population, which affects the length of their democratic processes, making it easier and shorter to bribe rather than commit to broken processes. Moreover, corruption affects the highest levels of government. In order to face this problem, â€Å"Latin America has made significant progress in combating poverty and inequality.†The economic development of states in Latin America allows them toRead MoreFinancial Crisis And The Global Financial System858 Words  | 4 Pagessystem for many decades. Indeed, they are becoming quite common lately. 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Torture is an internationally recognized crime by the U.N. 159 of the U.NRead MoreWhy Asean Is Not Successful as Other Integration?3169 Words  | 13 Pagestrillion) of the global economy, or 20% (US$15.170 trillion) when adjusted in terms of purchasing power parity. The successful of the European Union is depending on these factors: * The ability of the proposed Euro The ability of the proposed European Systemic Risk Board to develop good quality risk analysis and the â€Å"willingness of politicians to take its warning seriously and to countenance potentially unpopular responses†; * Achieving a commonly agreed and enforced rule book. This needs a balanceRead MoreA Critical Assessment Of Why Snc Lavalin Has Faced This Crisis3124 Words  | 13 Pageswhether the origin of this problem is individual or systemic will be addressed. Furthermore, whether the actions taken in response to this ethical crisis are efficient and appropriate will be assessed in detail. Underlying Causes SNC-Lavalin faces allegations of misconduct on a range of malpractices and over several continents. Four of its highest executives have been charged or detained over suspicions of fraud, money laundering, and corruption. However, a closer inspection reveals that these practices
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Management Information System On Education -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Management Information System On Education? Answer: Introduction A well-blended mix of business technology and strategic planning build by utilizing various means and mechanisms in order to make changes in organizational structure that will lead to business developments and advancements, this process as a whole is known as the process of the strategic information system. After the implementing of the information system, there is number of modifications experienced in the organizational structure and that aids the business entity in the execution of improved plans and business practices (Chofreh et al., 2014). Strategic planning done by a business corporation can be considered as the source of attaining competitive advantage. This form of planning aids the generic strategies of the business firm in accomplishing the targets and thus attaining a sustainable position in the competitive environment. A strategic plan also enhances the competitiveness of the business firm so as to deal and tackle with the competing brands. This strategy of the business entity has also been termed as a silent feature form the various aspects of the system information technology. This business system is also considered as an active player in the operations of an organizational structure. The below-summarized report has been focused on the concept of the strategic information system for a manufacturing firm. The below-presented report will be further made focused on Amcor that is one of the leading brand names in the manufacturing sector of Australia. The business entity is involved in producing packaging materials that are rigid and flexible for food, healthcare and tobacco industries. Strategic planners facing issues and challenges The roadmap or the track used by the stakeholders for making the business move towards the growth and success by attaining targets and goals is the process of strategic planning (Costa et al., 2016). Various criticisms are faced with the process that it is time-consuming and is also slow and have less amount of action in it. The following are some of the issues that will be tackled by the strategic planners: Lack of agreement: One of the integral aspects of the planning process is the term strategic planning. Consensus building can be considered as one of the reasons for the execution strategic planning. A well-executed strategic plan will aid the planners of Amcor in developing and enhancing the value of the process such as collaboration and communication (Eden, Sedera, and Tan, 2014). The planning process will also aid the business corporation disclosing and solving disputes, tackling and supporting the unavoidable struggle made with the political authorities. But in true sense, the term is all about the problems faced by the stakeholders that are impractical. There can also be chances of losing interest and can also feel unheard. Lack of leadership: The strategic planning is the process that lacks the support of leaders and senior authorities and this is one of the biggest reasons for the failure of this system. A smooth flow of operations will be experienced by the strategic planners and the business entity is the leader are found to be supportive of all terms (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). Moreover, their presence is also significant; their involvement at the right time with right people is also vital to the process. Ongoing leadership responsibility is also considered as one of the empirical parts of this planning process. The leaders play the role of strategic thinkers and are also proven beneficial on various grounds. There are some elements such as mission, vision, and values that aid the business entity is providing guidance to strategic thinking. Consequent alignment and strategic thinking of the actions with a clear vision for the long run has been considered as the perfect ingredient for a set of pre dictable environmental changes. This process also assists in undermining the details of the strategic plans. Issues with execution: The execution process should be executed at the right place, can also be considered as one of the biggest issues that will be faced by the business firm and also by the strategic planners (Ha and Ahn, 2014). It has been observed that the team efforts are only initiated till the development process and after that, it is thought that the work is through. But implementation process of the plan is the core concept, after which the actual work is to be executed. Information system aids in attaining competitive advantage Competitive advantage is one of the integral components which depict a stable image of the business entity in all aspects. Business Corporation can utilize the varied range of mechanisms that will assist Woolworths in sustaining and attaining a position of competitive advantage (Hunton, McEwen and Wier, 2015). The business entity will be enjoying a sustainable position in the market after earning the position of competitive advantage. A position of competitive advantage determines that the business corporation is enjoying a position where they have access over the resources and are also able to use those resources in a more effective manner as compared to the competing brands. Moreover, the business entity will be experiencing the hike in terms of rate of revenues, growth profitability and efficiency. Further, a boost in stock market valuations will also be experienced as compared to the competitors. There are various approaches that can be adopted by the business corporation and one of the best examples of the same is Michael Porters competitive forces model (Kavanagh and Johnson, 2017). The below presented are the empirical elements of the model: Traditional competitors: Old or the existing market players that are already present in the market. New market entrants: There is a wide scope of advantages with the start-ups or the new entities, such as the limitless use of old equipments can be done, high motivation level. Apart from the advantages, there are some disadvantages also that can be faced by the new entrants such as lack of expertise and little brand recognition (Kermani and Rouhani, 2014). Another advantage that the manufacturing firms have while entering the markets is that they have fewer as the expenses are less in terms of the entry to the market. Substitute for the products and services: The substitutes are considered as the threats for any of the business entity as they are considered as options that can be chosen by the consumer over the brand due to any kind of dis-satisfaction faced by them. Customers: An ease in switching to the competing brand will be bringing an increase in the rise of the power of the consumers (Kurbel, 2016). Also, the consumers can stimulate the competing firm or the business for making competition in terms of price in the marketplace. Suppliers: Diversification in the range of suppliers will enable the entity in having a greater control in terms of prices, quality and distribution systems. Approaches adopted by Amcor for developing innovative use of information system The below mentioned are the approaches that can be adopted by Amcor for developing innovative uses of information system: Locking in customers and suppliers: The mentioned approach can be considered as an empirical option through which the information system will be proven advantageous and that to in an innovative manner to the business firm. On the basis of this model, the consumers are stimulated by offering such advantages through products and services that switching over the competitors brand will be proven difficult for them (Laudonc Laudon, 2016). Amcor should develop and design attractive packages that too from environmentally friendly materials. This will stimulate them and generates a will to buy the product. Developing barriers for the new competing bands: Amcor can make use of this approach for developing and innovating such products that will be proven difficult to replicate. These products are found to be traded in some types of highly specialized markets. And by this mean the concept will be proven an innovative and beneficial option for the business firm. Moreover, the business entity will also be benefited while tacking with the competing brands as the competing brands will find adoption of this approach quite high. Minimization of the costs of the products: One of the biggest benefits that will be experienced by any of the business firms will be the reduction in the various operational and transactional expenses. The minimization of the operational and transactional costs will decrease the prices of the products as compared to their competing brands (Galliers Leidner, 2014). The information system will also ensure about the growth and survival in the competitive environment and this has been considered as an integral role played by the firm. Amcor can reduce the prices by offering discounts on bulk purchase. Management of outsourcing in Amcor For the management of outsourcing the below mentioned are the functional areas on which Amcor is required to provide focus: Management of communication: One of the prime and major necessities for completion of any of the business objective is the development of a right and appropriate communication channel. This area has also been considered as a core or an integral player for any of the business operation (Peppard Ward, 2016). The communication process is required to be considered as equally significant right from the initial step that is the negotiation stage. A consistency and regularity are also required to be adopted in the communication system. Regularity will enhance the quality of the relations between the client and the service provider and that will enable the business entity to develop better and improved products and services. Cost management: Choosing to outsource as a strategic option is due to the cost. This has been considered as the biggest reason for which the entity adopted outsourcing. A considerable amount of profit will be earned by making adoption of outsourcing (Cassidy, 2016). And hence the approach will play a dual significant role as it aids both the parties in analyzing the scope and expenses of the outsourced projects before they are signed the contract. IS adds value to the business Being a market leader in the concerned industry is the biggest try for any of the business entity and also there are some elements that are held liable for delaying the goals and achievements. And hence there will be a need for Amcor for the adoption of some strategies so as to tackle these situations and further which will lead the firm towards competitive advantage (Lpez La Paz, 2017). The below mentioned are the fundamentals through which it will be defined that the IS adds value to the business: Decision-making process is assisted: The adequacy of the strategic plans has been considered as the vital element on which the success and growth of the organization are made relied. The strategic plans are formulated by management team by using the information system which assists the entity in the decisions regarding the success and development of the firm. An information system can also be used for evaluating the data received from all the sources. Data from external sources such as references are included under this, Information storage analysis: The data are not managed manually by the business entities at the initial stages that are no registers and hard copies are maintained. Sophisticated and comprehensive databases can be utilized by Amcor by making use of information system. These databases can comprise of confidential information about the organization (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). Moreover, analysis, storing and updating of the data is also done by the information systems and which can be father utilized by the entity for solving the issues. Internal control strategy The business practices adopted by the firm for ensuring the attainments and the accomplishments of the pre-determined objectives can be termed as the process of an internal control strategy. The process also comprises the identification of the utilization of the available resources, in an economic manner (Pohjola 2018). Risk management, custody of the clients property and also safeguarding the same in an adequate manner are considered as some other aspects ensured by the internal control system. The following are some of the elements that are considered as vital for a good internal control system: A high level of integrity and ethical values are some of the core required components for the management staff for performing the major internal procedures. More involvement in the business practices is required of the governance committee. Inspecting and approving supporting documentation can also be done on regular basis by the board members. For overcoming the lack of segregation of duties major control procedures can be performed by the management staff. Conclusion In the limelight of the above-analyzed report, it has been concluded that the strategic information system has been considered as one of the integrated systems for any of the business organization. This system can be adopted by Amcor for bringing improvements and advancements in the delivery of the products and services. The above report has been made focused on bringing advancements in the execution of the operations so as to attain the targets and goals by making use of strategic information system. References Cassidy, A. (2016). A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. CRC press. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Shaharoun, A.M., Ismail, S. and Kleme, J.J., (2014). Sustainable enterprise resource planning: imperatives and research directions.Journal of Cleaner Production,71, pp.139-147. Costa, C.J., Ferreira, E., Bento, F. and Aparicio, M., (2016). Enterprise resource planning adoption and satisfaction determinants.Computers in Human Behavior,63, pp.659-671. Eden, R., Sedera, D. and Tan, F.B., (2014). Sustaining the Momentum: Archival Analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (2006-2012).CAIS,35, p.3. Galliers, R. D., Leidner, D. E. (Eds.). (2014). Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E. eds., (2014).Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Ha, Y.M. and Ahn, H.J., (2014). Factors affecting the performance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in the post-implementation stage.Behaviour Information Technology,33(10), pp.1065-1081. Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Hunton, J.E., McEwen, R.A. and Wier, B., (2015). Retraction: The Reaction of Financial Analysts to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Plans.Journal of Information Systems,29(2), pp.241-241. Kavanagh, M.J. and Johnson, R.D. eds., (2017).Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications. Kermani, S.E. and Rouhani, S., (2014). Review of Readiness to the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in Mazandaran Wood and Paper Industries.Iranian Journal of Business and Economics,1. Kurbel, K.E., (2016).Enterprise Resource Planning And Supply Chain Management. Springer-Verlag Berlin An. Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2016). Management information system. Pearson Education India. Lpez, E., La Paz, A. (2017). Ontology of Strategic Information Systems Planning. In International Conference on Information Resources Management, CONF-IRM 2017 Proceedings, Santiago de Chile. https://aisel. aisnet. org/confirm2017/22. Peppard, J., Ward, J. (2016). The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. John Wiley Sons. Pohjola, (2018). Internal control, Assessed on 24th January 2018,
Monday, December 2, 2019
When A Child Raises A Child an Example by
When A Child Raises A Child Although many adolescent girls in both earlier periods and today choose to mother their children due to teenage motherhood, it is too often a case of poorly prepared and poorly informed "children raising children." This usually serves neither of them well, as the young mother has no time to develop her individuality, educational potential, or even physical health, and her lack of parenting skills, as well as the earlier lack of prenatal care, can affect her child's physical and cognitive development negatively (Cziczo, 2004). Need essay sample on "When A Child Raises A Child" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Few aspects of family life are more culturally determined than the ages of betrothal, marriage, and childbearing. We are all familiar with people among whom teen marriage and teenage mothers are not only common but the expected norm. The crisis is far worse than is generally known because adults who parent their children badly cover up their shame-based inner selves. So the crisis is not just about how we raise our children: it is about a large number of people who look like adults, talk and dress like adults, but who are actually children. These adult children often run and create our families. Sweeping societal problems with poverty, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, broken homes and "children-raising-children" have culminated in a staggering increase in child maltreatment. Many of these children exhibit severe difficulties in relating to others and in coping within family settings (Kunstal, 1997). Abandoned children have no one there for them. Children may even have to take care of their parents. The preciousness and uniqueness every human child possesses are destroyed through abandonment. The child is alone and ashamed. This abandonment creates a shame-based inner core. Once a child's inner self is flawed by shame, the experience of self is painful. To compensate, the child develops a false self in order to survive. When A Child Raises A Child Page 2 The false self forms a defensive mask, distracting the true self from its pain and inner loneliness. After years of acting, performing and pretending, the child loses contact with the true self. That true self is numbered out. The false self cover-up makes it impossible to develop self-esteem. Our children represent our hope for the future. In the United States, they place no restrictions on who can have children and how many children they can have. Infants are conceived and born to adults and adolescents, ill equipped to provide the financial and emotional support needed to raise happy, healthy, responsible, caring children. Today, we literally see children raising children. Society's adultification of children in general contributes to welfare's poverty cycle. Various judicial rulings have undercut the role parents can have in helping their children with difficult decisions. Courts have ruled that parental notification for dispensing birth control drugs and devices violates the minors' rights. Courts have ruled their children need not obtain their parents' permission before they obtain an abortion. The natural progression of this continued trend toward children's rights is the breakdown of the family (Closson & Anderson, 2000). The most rapid rise in poverty rates have been among the children whom the system was ostensibly designed to help. The astonishing increase of over 400 percent in illegitimate births is a principal reason for poverty and the perpetuation of a poverty cycle of children raising children. Such comparisons are unfortunately misleading and should not be taken as evidence that today's teen mothers are following a long tradition. In many societies, women marry at a comparatively early age; thus teen mothers are also teen wives. In the 1950s and 1960s, a When A Child Raises A Child Page 3 high percentage of teenage mothers in America are married women. This is clearly no the case today (Kaplan & Westheimer, 2000). Over the past 30 years, the average age of women has risen steadily. The median age of women at the time of their first marriage in 1970 was only 21. In the 1980s, almost a third of all first-time brides were under age 20. By 1996, the median age had risen to 25, and 91 percent of all 18 and 19-year-old women had never married. Although a number of children born to teenage mothers has skyrocket ed. References: Closson, D., & Anderson, K. (2000). Kids, Classrooms, and Contemporary Education. Michigan: Kregel Publications. Cziczo, R. (2004). With Liberty and Justice for All. Ireland: Trafford Publishing. Kaplan, S., & Westheimer, R.K. (2000). Grandparenthood. UK: Routledge. Kunstal, R.J. (1997). Troubled Transplants: Unconventional Strategies for Helping Disturbed Foster and Adoptive Children. Oklahoma: Wood 'N' Barnes Publishing.
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