Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A brief history of sport in Australia Essays - Free Essays
A short history of game in Australia Essays - Free Essays A short history of game in Australia Australias wearing society is profoundly influenced by history as a British settlement shaped. Early colonizers from Britain and Ireland shipped with them mentalities and perspectives about game, and they additionally moved with them the games which were famous in Britain. What is tennis? Tennis is a game which played on a rectangular court by two players or two sets of players outfitted with rackets, in which a ball is driven to and fro over a low net that separates the court into equal parts. History of tennis Tennis got mainstream as an open game from its appearance in Australia in the late 1870s, and courts jumped up wherever in network and private grounds. It was a game that was taken up energetically by the two people, both for entertainment only and as a first class sport. Since 1900, Australian people tennis players have been delegated a portion of the world's ideal. Australia's first global boss was Norm Brookes who was the principal Australian to win the Wimbledon Singles titles in 1907. Around the same time Brookes was the primary untouchable to break the strength of the UK and USA with his success in the Doubles of the Davis Cup, the worldwide men's title. Australia at that point facilitated global title occasions in 1908 and Brookes proceeded to overwhelm tennis organization in Australia for the following 50 years. Over the four significant Open titles, known as Grand Slam competitions the Australian, French and United States Open and Wimbledon, UK there have been five Australian Grand Slam champs. The principal Grand Slam victors were Ken McGregor and Frank Sedgman for the Doubles in 1951. Bar Laver, who won it twice, in 1962 and 1969, is apparently the best tennis player on the planet. Margaret Court additionally won each of the four competitions in a single year when she finished the Grand Slam in 1970, one of just three ladies on the planet to accomplish this. From its initial days, tennis was very well known with ladies in Australia despite the fact that there was no budgetary help for them to head out to abroad competitions. Never-the-less, with gathering pledges, made the finals of Wimbledon in 1928. In 1938, Nancy Bolton turned into the main Australian lady to play in a US Championship last when she was 22. Lesley Bowrey was the main Australian ladies to win two French Open singles titles in 1963 and 1964, and the Mixed Doubles at Wimbledon in 1961 and 1967. From the 1920s onwards, there was such an expanded interest for tennis racquets, balls and hardware that an Australian industry started trading to both the UK and USA during the 1930s. The pictures of notable players were highlighted on Australian made racquets which advanced into abroad markets. This course of action of wearing organizations embracing players helped bolster the beginner status of Australian players contending in the Davis Cup and Grand Slam competitions until 1969. Australian players managed the world novice competitions until the 1960s. In 1969 a more extensive gathering of players could challenge when the Grand Slam competitions agreed to allow experts and novice players. In any case, significantly after Australia's mastery of world tennis was broken during the 1960s, tennis remained mainstream as a game for the two benefactors and crowds. Australian tennis soldiers hold their own reality documents for watching single live tennis match-ups. Tennis style an in vogue opportunity The lack of a recognized uniform in tennis has given players a stylish opportunity. During the 1800s, players for the most part dressed white apparel as it switched the warmth. Men would dress long pants and a shirt which was long sleeved yet could be moved up to the elbow, and a cap or cricket top would go with the outfit. Ladies wore an ordinary dress (lower leg length) complete with slip, stockings, a girdle, and a wide-overflowed cap. At last molds began to change and men dressed casual shirts and shorts, with ladies wearing lighter cotton dresses without the stockings and bodice. These progressions anyway were not generally met with support. At Wimbledon in 1905, the US player May Sutton traded the well known tight sleeved pullovers for her dad's button-up shirt and stunned the group when she moved her sleeves up. Sutton proceeded to win the ladies' Singles. During the 1920s, the French victor
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cross-Cultural Business Behavior-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Talk about the Cross-Cultural Business Communication. Answer: The possibility to convey, orchestrate and effectively work with individuals from various societies is basic to overall business. Diverse correspondence centers at how people from different societies appreciate one another and work viably together. Being an outright culturally diverse communicator that requires to be complying with the standards, customs, qualities and convictions of a totally different culture, being able to recognize how these are spoken to by both verbal and nonverbal correspondence and successfully ingest this data into the correspondence. Business is extending around the world (Jacobs 2012). Be that as it may, numerous organizations are going intercontinental. Enlistment, deals, the board, advertising and condition of the working environment are exaggerated by societies inside the association. Subsequently, it is critical to take note of that associations don't should be worldwide to encapsulate different societies (Wild, Wild and Han 2014). This exposition examines about the business decency diversely and how successfully one can establish his first connection setting up a business culturally diverse. It likewise centers around the zones of potential intercultural miscommunication are clarified through a social structure. Each culture is disparate, and has different methodology of behavior. Day by day bargains are hapless through distortion, even among nearly similar societies. These misinterpretations need not be gigantic to have a result on the business; a defective initial introduction can leave the individual in front or the client with a sub-par feeling. Meaning the right manners can help ward this off and protect an impressive arrangement of time and cash being squandered (Washington, Okoro and Thomas 2012). Japanese decorum in connection with business in activity isn't particular like obligingness, powerlessness and great habits are the help of business convention among Japanese similarly as the business convention in Europe or in the United States. The central differentiation is that Japanese expert convention is additionally fixed particularly in an underlying gathering when the exchanging of the unsavory business card of Japanese is generally stylized. There are clear highlights of the business behaviors of Japanese like for example business apparel which are standard in contrast with calling in the United States and Europe and in positive circumstances most of especially while actualizing business with an association where a regulatory or unrivaled supervisor has of late died where one ought to be exceptionally fragile. For abroad associations administrators however, manners of business at Japan in 2004 isn't that vary from that of Germany, France or the United Kingdom and keeping i n mind that unfathomably contrast on the outside from that of United States business convention, it isn't that disparate once one get the opportunity to comprehend the individuals they are managing (Okoro 2012). There are sure key highlights of Business decorum in Japan like the business card, which is essential have for working together in Japan. They generally want to give their business card two hands and they expect the individual in front will acknowledge that with deference likewise with utilizing their two hands and afterward state much obliged. They never engage composing notes on the business cards. These business cards must be demonstrated regard and ought to failing to be played with. At that point comes the clothing the decorums must get less formal however the clothing for business is fixed. For men they never permit them to have facial hair or has head shaven. Then again, ladies in Japan are very style cognizant yet at the same time a lot of organization never permit wearing adornments, short skirts or high heels in shoes (Dunn 2013). For the two people their clothing isn't finished without the business card (Alston 2012). At that point in regards to conferences, it is discovered that there is consistently a telephonic affirmation before one to two hours for a planned gathering, they want to get the data 1 hour before any gathering if, and there are odds of being late. They like if the customer/utilize has a set arrangement for the gathering like the motivation, during a gathering Japanese favor notes taking as it shows that one is keen on the gathering thus bringing everything down (Gesteland 2012). At that point they search for the individual propensities one have like one should now clean out the nose in broad daylight, one ought not get the hand of the host at the hour of first gathering, Japanese men ought not be congratulated or shoulder, slanderous comments ought to be evaded. In conclusion, they incline toward grinning faces that have the eagerness to learn and they engage being interrogated concerning the ir clients organization (Martin and Chaney 2012). Aside from all these to establish a great first connection, Emily ought to be kind and never be self important of being another person. Demonstrating appreciation to the business card is the most significant thing she should remember. In the event that she is going out for supper, at that point she should attempt to eat what she can and being acceptable with chopsticks before she goes as the Japanese worth this profoundly. As she is originating from an alternate culture and spot thus, she can bring a little blessing that ought not be costly at all, and for her first gathering she can give this present. An increasingly hesitant, formal mentality, particularly at the root of a business relationship, it is desirable over be gotten while working together in Japan. Emily musttreat senior administrators with a more checked regard than to the more youthful ones in the gathering with whom she will associate. The therapist Dr Geert Hofstede distributes Hofstedes six components of culture toward the finish of 1970. From that point forward this has gotten perceived worldwide as the standard for understanding the distinctions among societies. He considered individuals working in IBM from in excess of 50 nations (Eringa et al. 2015). From the start she concocted four viewpoints that separated one culture from another however later, he included other two perspectives as a team with Drs Michael H. Bond and Michael Minkov. The six highlights of this model are as per the following:- Force Distance Index (high versus low) (PDI) Independence Versus Collectivism (IDV) Manliness Versus Femininity (MAS) Vulnerability Avoidance Index (high versus low) (UAI) Down to earth Versus Normative (PRA) Guilty pleasure Versus Restraint (IVR) The zones of potential culturally diverse miscommunication can be talked about utilizing in model where the PDI refers to the tallness of disparity that wins and is grasped among individuals those have power or the individuals who are without it. So a high PDI score implies that the general public acknowledges the extraordinary, vertical force conveyances where the people groups comprehends their places in the framework while, a low score implies that the force that has been shared and disperses are not acknowledged by the individuals in the general public (Hofstede 2013). IDV states to the intensity of the bonds that people have with others inside the organization. In this way, a high score in IDV implies the relational association is feeble thus they abstain from taking duties regarding the activities and aftereffects of others. MAS alludes that how the appropriations of separate jobs are covered less thus in manly overwhelming social orders men are assume to act decisively though in female arranged social orders there the cover of jobs happen and reasonableness is seen as profound quality (Borker 2012). The space between the estimations of people is tremendous inJapanandAustria, with the MAS scores of 95 and 79 individually. UAI characterizes how well the individuals can manage nervousness individuals in low UAI scoring nations are more extricate, open or complete. PRA is likewise called the drawn out direction where the point to which individual needs to depict the untouchable and is profoundly related to devoutness and enthusiasm. In conclusion, IVR which is new says that high score permits or moves free guilty pleasure in people groups inward drives and feelings. Moreover, low score shows smothering those guilty pleasures where the social standards are stricter (Minkov and Hofstede 2012). Emily should utilize this model and abstain from causing any sort of offense being in an alternate culture. Anyway to have a fruitful gathering she should assess her methodology, choices and furnish with a genuinely necessary certainty support working in an oversea nation. Emily should additionally get herself acclimate with probably a portion of the nuts and bolts of the way of life of Japan, demonstrate attention to her motions and stances, to stay away from any sort of miscommunication she should concentrate on the signals that she can get when collaboration with them. To finish up this report, it tends to be said that multifaceted correspondence as discovered is the manner by which individuals appreciate every others conduct and work adequately. As business are becoming worldwide thus there are people from various culture who are cooperating under one, rooftop. Emily who is visiting Japan for a meeting with the goal that she can augment her business must remember the business decorums that the Japanese preferences like regarding the business card, dependability, clothing just as general individual propensities. As she is from a totally different nation, she should stay away from miscommunication thus the social system of Hofstede is talked about where the clinician Dr Geert Hofstede has clarified six of the parts of the culturally diverse correspondence and focusing on it Emily can really change in accordance with increment the achievement of her gathering with supervisor called Mr.Hamasaki. References Alston, J.P., 2012.Intelligent Businessman's Guide to Japan. Tuttle Publishing. Borker, D.R., 2012. Bookkeeping, culture, and rising economies: IFRS in the BRIC countries.Journal of Business Economics Research (Online),10(5), p.313. Dunn, C.D., 2013. Talking amiably, merciful, and wonderfully: Ideologies of good manners in Japanese business decorum preparing. Eringa, K., Caudron, L.N., Rieck, K., Xie, F. also, Gerhardt, T., 2015. How pertinent are Hofstede's measurements for between social investigations?
Friday, August 21, 2020
Complaining About Work and Creating Stress
Complaining About Work and Creating Stress Stress Management Job Stress Print Complaining About Work and Creating Stress Does it help or hurt you when you complain about work? By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 25, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on October 22, 2019 AleksandarGeorgiev/iStock More in Stress Management Job Stress Workplace Bullying Effects on Health Management Techniques Situational Stress Household Stress Relationship Stress The stark reality is that even the most sought-after jobs bring some stress and frustration, often on a daily basis. It may feel natural to come home and vent this frustration to whoever is closest or most sympathetic, and it can feel good while were doing it. However, many people wonder if this approach does more harm than good. Does complaining about work allow us a healthy outlet for frustration, or does it intensify our stress? There are multiple schools of thought on the subject. Many people fear that if they bottle up their negative feelings about job stress, they may be prone to letting those feelings out at the wrong time or placeâ€"like in the boss office or in front of co-workersâ€"and that venting to a sympathetic ear in the privacy of ones own home is a healthier and more practical alternative. Others feel that complaining is a way to spread negativity and that focusing on the positives or distracting oneself is a better path to peace. Fortunately, researchers have analyzed these questions and can shed some light on the effects of complaining, job stress, and coping with stress so you can learn the facts and see what is truly best for you. The Case for Complaining About Work Here are a few reasons why complaining about work to loved ones at home might be a good idea. Feels Good in the Moment A little bit of complaining about co-workers, bosses, clients, and the daily grind can feel cathartic. It can feel liberating to let it all out when youve been holding frustrations in for an entire day or week. Having that release can be very gratifying in itself. If complaining has subsequent negative consequences, they may not be as noticeable as the positive feelings that immediately follow a satisfying complaint session. Helps Us Feel Supported Having someone who will listen and validate your feelings can help you to feel closer to that person and helps us to feel less stressed in general knowing that we have people in our lives who understand what were going through and care. Complaining about work can help a group to feel more bonded, especially if they all face similar on-the-job stress. Sometimes we just want someone to give us a big hug and tell us were doing a good job, particularly if we dont receive a lot of positive feedback on the job itself. Can Lead to Solutions Discussing problems with others always has the promise of leading us to solutions we may not have thought of on our own, and this is particularly true with job stress. There are many instances when a coworker may have a solution that we dont immediately see. There are other times when an interested outsider may find an answer that we dont think of because were too immersed in the problem. Sometimes people complain to receive sympathy or support, but when they complain to find a solution, this type of exchange can lead to real-world results, and that can mean less stress in the long run. Safer Than Losing Patience Many people feel that they might lose their patience if they keep their feelings bottled up. This is a somewhat valid concern. Nobody wants to walk around so frustrated that they lose their temper or say the wrong thing at inconvenient times, so complaining and venting frustrations feels like a far more pragmatic path to take. The Case Against Complaining About Work There are drawbacks to complaining that may make it worth the risk of feeling frustrated. For the following reasons, its just not worth letting complaining become a habit. It Can Spread Negativity Negativity, like an emotional virus, is contagious. (Surprisingly, so is altruism and positivity.) This means that if you complain excessively, you can spread your bad mood, which in turn means that those around you may become more negative and feed it back to you. The takeaway here is that you need to be careful how much you complain and to whom you do it. It Can Rewire the Brain for Negativity This may sound serious, and it is. Any habitual thought or behavior can become easier to repeat, and complaining is no different from taking a certain route to work or reciting the alphabet: the more you do it, the more automatic it becomes. If you habitually complain about work, it becomes more automatic to notice the negative (and more challenging to notice the positive) about other things in life as well. As with the stereotypical parental advice not to make an ugly face or it will stay that way, there is a real risk to your attitude taking the form of your most habitual thought patterns, so making them positive instead of negative can have a real payoff. 4 Ways to Think More Positively It Can Damage Your Reputation You may feel bonded to your co-workers if you share support over a venting session, but chronic complaining can come back to haunt you. You can get a reputation as a negative person or as not a team player. In turn, you can make enemies, which can generally worsen your experience at workâ€"the very place that has you feeling frustrated in the first place. Phony positivity can wear thin eventually, particularly if it comes across as forced, but its never a bad idea to be careful of your negativity output on the job. It Doesnt Work While complaining may feel like a healthy release at the moment, it can actually make you feel worse in the long run. This is due, in part, to the fact that expressing anger can actually make it stronger, not weaker. The idea that you need to vent anger or it will become stored up and need to be released eventually is a myth. Letting yourself cool off, refocusing your attention, and expressing your anger in non-aggressive ways can all be more effective and less destructive. It Can Harm Your Health Because complaining puts us in a stressed frame of mind, habitual complaining puts us in the same type of risk that chronic stress does. When the mind perceives a threat (as happens when we remind ourselves of how bad things are at work, for example), the bodys stress response is triggered and a cascade of changes occur that help us to fight or flee. If this physical response is triggered repeatedly and constantly, it can bring a host of negative effects on physical and emotional health. Why Complaining Feels Good and When We Need to Stop What to Do Instead Fortunately, there are proactive coping strategies beyond complaining that are more effective at relieving stress without the negative consequences.? Complain to a Journal While venting to a friend may be bad for both of you if done to excess, writing about your feelings in a journal can be quite beneficial. Journals can help you to process your emotions and make sense of what youre feeling, and they can help you to let things go more easily. Research shows multiple benefits for health and well-being that come with journaling. In the vein of journaling, writing in a gratitude journal can bring added benefits of creating a mental habit of noticing the positive in life and being thankful. This is a thought pattern thats virtually the opposite of complaining, so it can help you to rewire your brain in a much better way. (Plus, over time youll be creating a record of all the things in life that make you happy, which you can read over at any time.) Maintaining a Gratitude Journal for Stress Relief Complain a Little, Then Redirect If you are already in the habit of complaining, you can catch yourself doing it and then redirect yourself from talking about whats frustrating you to what is pleasing you. Or you can begin with a small amount of venting to release tension but then purposely redirect yourself to more positive topics. Sometimes a small dose of what is comfortable can help you to move more easily into new habits that are less established. Complain to the Right Person All complaining isnt all bad. If you complain (nicely) to someone who can actually help you, you may be able to improve your situation. For example, if you have a situation at work that brings constant stress, talking to human resources may help you to fix the problem rather than simply enduring it. The next time you find yourself complaining, ask yourself: Is there something that can be done? Am I complaining to the right person? Complain, Then Troubleshoot If you find yourself complaining about something you can change, perhaps you are the right person to complain to, meaning you can also turn your venting session into a brainstorming session and explore what is in your power to change. Then let yourself use frustration for motivation and make positive changes when you can. Practice Mindfulness Those who are able to stay in the present moment longerâ€"that means less stressing about past events or worrying about future onesâ€"are also more able to complain less. This makes mindfulness a powerful habit to practice. You can practice mindfulness in many different ways, but a simple way to start is to focus on your breathingâ€"listening to it going in and out and focus on how it feels in your chestâ€"the next time you find yourself stressing about the past or the future. You can try more mindfulness exercises from there. How to Make Mindfulness Your Way of Life Practice Other Stress-Relieving Habits Finding other stress-relieving habits that work can help you to feel less upset by the challenges you face at work. This can bring you added resilience and happiness in your life. A Word From Verywell Ultimately, its best not to take your work home with you in the form of complaining about it after hours unless youre working toward a solution. (They have your time and energy all dayâ€"why give them any more of it?) Theres rarely a one-size-fits-all approach to stress management, but these guidelines can help you to decide whats best for you. Soon, youll feel less of a pull to complain, and perhaps feel you have less to complain about in the first place.
Complaining About Work and Creating Stress
Complaining About Work and Creating Stress Stress Management Job Stress Print Complaining About Work and Creating Stress Does it help or hurt you when you complain about work? By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 25, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on October 22, 2019 AleksandarGeorgiev/iStock More in Stress Management Job Stress Workplace Bullying Effects on Health Management Techniques Situational Stress Household Stress Relationship Stress The stark reality is that even the most sought-after jobs bring some stress and frustration, often on a daily basis. It may feel natural to come home and vent this frustration to whoever is closest or most sympathetic, and it can feel good while were doing it. However, many people wonder if this approach does more harm than good. Does complaining about work allow us a healthy outlet for frustration, or does it intensify our stress? There are multiple schools of thought on the subject. Many people fear that if they bottle up their negative feelings about job stress, they may be prone to letting those feelings out at the wrong time or placeâ€"like in the boss office or in front of co-workersâ€"and that venting to a sympathetic ear in the privacy of ones own home is a healthier and more practical alternative. Others feel that complaining is a way to spread negativity and that focusing on the positives or distracting oneself is a better path to peace. Fortunately, researchers have analyzed these questions and can shed some light on the effects of complaining, job stress, and coping with stress so you can learn the facts and see what is truly best for you. The Case for Complaining About Work Here are a few reasons why complaining about work to loved ones at home might be a good idea. Feels Good in the Moment A little bit of complaining about co-workers, bosses, clients, and the daily grind can feel cathartic. It can feel liberating to let it all out when youve been holding frustrations in for an entire day or week. Having that release can be very gratifying in itself. If complaining has subsequent negative consequences, they may not be as noticeable as the positive feelings that immediately follow a satisfying complaint session. Helps Us Feel Supported Having someone who will listen and validate your feelings can help you to feel closer to that person and helps us to feel less stressed in general knowing that we have people in our lives who understand what were going through and care. Complaining about work can help a group to feel more bonded, especially if they all face similar on-the-job stress. Sometimes we just want someone to give us a big hug and tell us were doing a good job, particularly if we dont receive a lot of positive feedback on the job itself. Can Lead to Solutions Discussing problems with others always has the promise of leading us to solutions we may not have thought of on our own, and this is particularly true with job stress. There are many instances when a coworker may have a solution that we dont immediately see. There are other times when an interested outsider may find an answer that we dont think of because were too immersed in the problem. Sometimes people complain to receive sympathy or support, but when they complain to find a solution, this type of exchange can lead to real-world results, and that can mean less stress in the long run. Safer Than Losing Patience Many people feel that they might lose their patience if they keep their feelings bottled up. This is a somewhat valid concern. Nobody wants to walk around so frustrated that they lose their temper or say the wrong thing at inconvenient times, so complaining and venting frustrations feels like a far more pragmatic path to take. The Case Against Complaining About Work There are drawbacks to complaining that may make it worth the risk of feeling frustrated. For the following reasons, its just not worth letting complaining become a habit. It Can Spread Negativity Negativity, like an emotional virus, is contagious. (Surprisingly, so is altruism and positivity.) This means that if you complain excessively, you can spread your bad mood, which in turn means that those around you may become more negative and feed it back to you. The takeaway here is that you need to be careful how much you complain and to whom you do it. It Can Rewire the Brain for Negativity This may sound serious, and it is. Any habitual thought or behavior can become easier to repeat, and complaining is no different from taking a certain route to work or reciting the alphabet: the more you do it, the more automatic it becomes. If you habitually complain about work, it becomes more automatic to notice the negative (and more challenging to notice the positive) about other things in life as well. As with the stereotypical parental advice not to make an ugly face or it will stay that way, there is a real risk to your attitude taking the form of your most habitual thought patterns, so making them positive instead of negative can have a real payoff. 4 Ways to Think More Positively It Can Damage Your Reputation You may feel bonded to your co-workers if you share support over a venting session, but chronic complaining can come back to haunt you. You can get a reputation as a negative person or as not a team player. In turn, you can make enemies, which can generally worsen your experience at workâ€"the very place that has you feeling frustrated in the first place. Phony positivity can wear thin eventually, particularly if it comes across as forced, but its never a bad idea to be careful of your negativity output on the job. It Doesnt Work While complaining may feel like a healthy release at the moment, it can actually make you feel worse in the long run. This is due, in part, to the fact that expressing anger can actually make it stronger, not weaker. The idea that you need to vent anger or it will become stored up and need to be released eventually is a myth. Letting yourself cool off, refocusing your attention, and expressing your anger in non-aggressive ways can all be more effective and less destructive. It Can Harm Your Health Because complaining puts us in a stressed frame of mind, habitual complaining puts us in the same type of risk that chronic stress does. When the mind perceives a threat (as happens when we remind ourselves of how bad things are at work, for example), the bodys stress response is triggered and a cascade of changes occur that help us to fight or flee. If this physical response is triggered repeatedly and constantly, it can bring a host of negative effects on physical and emotional health. Why Complaining Feels Good and When We Need to Stop What to Do Instead Fortunately, there are proactive coping strategies beyond complaining that are more effective at relieving stress without the negative consequences.? Complain to a Journal While venting to a friend may be bad for both of you if done to excess, writing about your feelings in a journal can be quite beneficial. Journals can help you to process your emotions and make sense of what youre feeling, and they can help you to let things go more easily. Research shows multiple benefits for health and well-being that come with journaling. In the vein of journaling, writing in a gratitude journal can bring added benefits of creating a mental habit of noticing the positive in life and being thankful. This is a thought pattern thats virtually the opposite of complaining, so it can help you to rewire your brain in a much better way. (Plus, over time youll be creating a record of all the things in life that make you happy, which you can read over at any time.) Maintaining a Gratitude Journal for Stress Relief Complain a Little, Then Redirect If you are already in the habit of complaining, you can catch yourself doing it and then redirect yourself from talking about whats frustrating you to what is pleasing you. Or you can begin with a small amount of venting to release tension but then purposely redirect yourself to more positive topics. Sometimes a small dose of what is comfortable can help you to move more easily into new habits that are less established. Complain to the Right Person All complaining isnt all bad. If you complain (nicely) to someone who can actually help you, you may be able to improve your situation. For example, if you have a situation at work that brings constant stress, talking to human resources may help you to fix the problem rather than simply enduring it. The next time you find yourself complaining, ask yourself: Is there something that can be done? Am I complaining to the right person? Complain, Then Troubleshoot If you find yourself complaining about something you can change, perhaps you are the right person to complain to, meaning you can also turn your venting session into a brainstorming session and explore what is in your power to change. Then let yourself use frustration for motivation and make positive changes when you can. Practice Mindfulness Those who are able to stay in the present moment longerâ€"that means less stressing about past events or worrying about future onesâ€"are also more able to complain less. This makes mindfulness a powerful habit to practice. You can practice mindfulness in many different ways, but a simple way to start is to focus on your breathingâ€"listening to it going in and out and focus on how it feels in your chestâ€"the next time you find yourself stressing about the past or the future. You can try more mindfulness exercises from there. How to Make Mindfulness Your Way of Life Practice Other Stress-Relieving Habits Finding other stress-relieving habits that work can help you to feel less upset by the challenges you face at work. This can bring you added resilience and happiness in your life. A Word From Verywell Ultimately, its best not to take your work home with you in the form of complaining about it after hours unless youre working toward a solution. (They have your time and energy all dayâ€"why give them any more of it?) Theres rarely a one-size-fits-all approach to stress management, but these guidelines can help you to decide whats best for you. Soon, youll feel less of a pull to complain, and perhaps feel you have less to complain about in the first place.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Predatory Lending in the Housing Industry - 3062 Words
The Ethics of Predatory Lending in the Housing Industry The real estate industry is thriving with approximately sixty-eight percent of all Americans being homeowners. With low interest rates, 1st time home buyer down payment assistance programs, and government funded educational opportunities (i.e. the Home Ownership Center of Greater Cincinnati), the real estate and mortgage lending industries will continue to flourish. However, there are some unethical lending practices that are threatening the housing industry as a whole. Those involved in the mortgage lending process have some duty to the borrower. They are expected to perform their specific duties in an ethical manner and have some form of direct or indirect contact with the†¦show more content†¦credit life insurance being implied as necessary to obtain a loan). • Failure to report good payment on a borrower s credit report. • Falsifying loan documents. • Making loans to mentally incompetent parties. • Mailing live loan checks to clients that do not request them. Through the use of false promises and sneaky sales tactics, borrowers are convinced to sign a loan contract before they have had a chance to review the paperwork. If the borrower is allowed the chance to go over the fine details of the contract, a significant amount of the borrowers targeted by predatory lenders haven t been updated enough to really understand what they are signing. In most cases, sub-prime borrowers do not hire attorneys to represent them. They either don t have the cash flow to do so, or they are not made aware of the opportunity. An example of the predatory lending practice of high interest rate financing is as follows: A $100,000 mortgage at 8% and zero points over a 30-year time period yields interest worth $164,155. Not all loans are available at 8% because not all borrowers have great credit. Now, let s say that 8% is the base rate for loans today but rates as high as 12% and zero points will be allowed. This means that a $100,000 loan over 30years would have a projected interest cost of $270,300. Any loan with a higher projected yieldÂâ€"including interest, points, loan discount fees, origination fees, andShow MoreRelated Predatory Lending in the Housing Industry Essay2965 Words  | 12 PagesEthics of Predatory Lending in the Housing Industry nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The real estate industry is thriving with approximately sixty-eight percent of all Americans being homeowners. With low interest rates, 1st time home buyer down payment assistance programs, and government funded educational opportunities (i.e. the Home Ownership Center of Greater Cincinnati), the real estate and mortgage lending industries will continue to flourish. However, there are some unethical lending practicesRead MoreSocial Policy Related to Individuals in a Rural Setting1611 Words  | 6 Pagessocial policy. Introduction Individuals in rural areas face adversity and challenges that are different than faced in other settings. Specifically, these challenges are related to employment, transportation, access to health care, and access to housing that is energy efficient. The work of Friedman (2003) reports that while a great part of the debate on welfare reform is focused on the urban poor nearly 20 percent of welfare recipients reside outside of central cities and metropolitan areas. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The United States Federal Government - 1219 Words
How about maybe? In this paper I will outline the problems of the pedagogical approach the United States federal government took in light of the War on Drugs on the wide public education on drug use. I will examine two different articles from Think Progress and The Guardian that argue against the 1986 initiative by Nancy Reagan that became one of the most subtle but destructive aspects about the War on Drugs. She started an country wide program aimed at educating the youth. More specifically on being able to prevent drug use in teenagers. However, there were unintended consequences that I believe negatively affected the minds bodies and futures of those same teenagers they were trying to help out. Also, the seemingly noble intent to†¦show more content†¦For instance, shortly after its initiation, police officers started being brought into public schools. The usual events were comprised of drug prevention talks where the police demonize drug dealers and shared their experien ces dealing with drugged out people. While these scare tactics give an appearance of deterrence there was a study cited in the article by Scientific American, conducted that teenagers were just as likely to use drugs after through these abstinence based programs than if they didn’t get any information at all. The article also found a fatal flaw in the DARE campaigns pedagogy, it was the lack of student in student role play on how to handle social situations with drugs. Bringing in the longitudinal study from a reputable source reinforces the argument against the DARE programs pedagogy. Not only did they show that has the Nancy Reagan philosophy been ineffective, the article subtly made a point to highlight how wasteful it must have been to use our tax money to fund ineffective police educational programs. While no statistics were shown, the fact that these programs were found to be highly ineffective gives this argument quite a bit of merit. Parallel to this, in 1986 congres s passed the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act which mandated a zero tolerance policy to drugs in schools. This was the first time police officers began arresting students straight out of schools. This fact also shines light on the how destructive a simple minded
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Slavery in Latin America - 1676 Words
#65279; Slavery in the Americas was quite diverse. Mining operations in the tropics experienced different needs and suffered different challenges than did plantations in more temperate areas of Norther Brazil or costal citys serving as ports for the exporting of commodities produced on the backs of the enslaved peoples from the African continent. This essay will look at these different situations and explore the factors that determined the treatment of slaves, the consequences of that treatment, and the conditions that lead to resistance by the slaves working in their various capacities. After the initial conquest of Mexico and South America it was time to develop the economy and export the resources that would benefit the monarchy†¦show more content†¦Thought they were able to have a social life as the whites really did not care what they did with their own time, they were the most likely to resist their conditions. This is done in a variety of ways which will be discussed later. There was a fairly healthy community life amongst plantation slaves. They spent time together, had cultural activities and because of the near equal ratio of men to women were able to ma rry and raise families. The slave population was fully 80-90% of the overall population in these regions as they did all the work and there were no towns in the area where whites and Indians went for jobs. Cities were a third environment that utilized slaves. These slaves, however, tended to be made from the Criollo group. An exception was the slaves taken right off the ships by white artisans who taught them to be smiths and coopers and the like. These trades were then passed down to the slave children and to their children after them. Europeans immigrated to Latin America in far fewer numbers than in the U.S. and as a result otherwise menial jobs held by white lower classes there were held by free blacks and slaves working toward manumission. Where you might find an Irish maid on the Main Line in Philadelphia, you would find a black, or mulatto in Latin America. This helped in keeping the racial prejudice at bay in Latin America as it served no purpose to create the perception that blacks were an inferior race. City slaves enjoyedShow MoreRelatedEssay on Slavery in Latin America4587 Words  | 19 Pages Slavery in Latin America Chile History Before the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th cent., the Araucanians had long been in control of the land in the southern part of the region; in the north, the inhabitants were ruled by the Inca empire. Diego de Almagro, who was sent by Francisco Pizarro from Peru to explore the southern region, led a party of men through the Andes into the central lowlands of Chile but was unsuccessful (1536) in establishing a foothold there. In 1540, PedroRead More Slavery In Latin America Essay example1641 Words  | 7 PagesSlavery In Latin America    Slavery in the Americas was quite diverse. 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May’s, Slavery, Race, and Conquest in the Tropic, May tackles the notion of slavery in the tropics and how Douglas and Lincoln campaigned against slavery in the tropics . He first states the differences between Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln’s positions concerning southward expansionism and how these two influential men arrived at and supported their stances. Robert May goes on to show potential U.S. expansion into Latin American and Caribbean territories led to the growing discontentRead MoreThe Haitian Revolu tion And Latin American History1278 Words  | 6 Pages The Haitian Revolution was one of the most important slave revolts in Latin American history. It started a succession of other revolutionary wars in Latin America and ended both colonialism and imperialism in the Americas. The Haitian Revolution affected people from all social castes in Haiti including the indigenous natives, mestizos, mulattos and the Afro-Latin. The idea of starting a rebellion against France began with the colony’s white elite class seeking a capitalist market. These elites inRead MoreLatin America Revolutions Essay775 Words  | 4 PagesVienna, revolts plagued many European countries as well as several areas in Latin America. France was driven from Haiti, Portugal lost control of Brazil, and Spain was forced to withdraw from all its American empire except for Cuba and Puerto Rico. Colonial government in South America came to an end. Three countries where revolts were successfully established we re Haiti, Venezuela, and Brazil. The countries in Latin America benefited from the revolts because they became free from colonial rule, butRead MoreEssay about European Imperialism896 Words  | 4 Pagesand Glory. The Europeans domination over Latin America, Africa and Asia were made out to be good for the native people of these lands. However, the Europeans were not there to help these geographic areas. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Impact of Human Rights Act
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Human Rights Act. Answer: The Human Rights Act 1998 was enacted by the British parliament in the year 1998 but actually was bought into force in the year 2000. The main purpose of the enactment was to introduce the rights provided by the European Convention on Human Rights into the English legal system. Making it simple the purpose of the act is to prevent any government body to operate in a manner contradictory to the provisions of the convention[1]. The provisions of the act can only be overridden if any other primary legislation contradicts with such provisions. It provides that the English courts must uses the decisions made by the European Court of Human rights and interpret legislations in such a way, which would establish compliance with the convention. In case where the judges find it, impossible to interpret the provisions of legislations according to the compatibility with the convention the judges must not override the provisions of the legislations but merely provide a declaration of incompatibili ty. Thus, the declaration seeks to maintain the parliamentary sovereignty by not altering the principles of the primary legislation. The HRA also provides individual a right to appeal and sue in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The Act since it has come to force has had a significant impact on the British legal system. It has changed the way in which legislations are interpreted by the judges. Although it is argued that, the Act seeks to promote Judicial Politicization in reality this statement is far from true. This paper discusses the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on the English legal system and whether it is increasing the risk of judicial politicization within the country or not. The paper also aims to discuss the benefits and detriments resulting out of the application of the act and its impact of the interpretation of statues[2]. The Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) was enforced on 2nd October, 2000 in United Kingdom. The Act was enacted with the sole objective to safeguard the rights incorporated in the European Convention on Human Rights and to provide further legal effect in the law of United Kingdom. Before the enactment of the HRA, the European Convention on Human Rights was not under any obligation to provide legal effect to the rights. The Convention was used as a part of the domestic law and it acted as a mean to interpret statutes[3]. The Parliament did not legislate against the rights laid down in the Convention. In Waddington v Miah [1974][4], it was held that while interpreting the ambiguity of any statutory provision, it was assumed that the Parliament should not pass any legislation, which shall be inconsistent with the international obligations including the human rights laid down in the Convention. However, prior to the enforcement of the HRA 1998, the citizens resorted to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) for safeguarding their human rights. The incorporation of the Act was viewed to be beneficial as it permitted the British Judges to manipulate the course of human rights in Strasbourg. The Act was purported to develop a culture of human rights in the nation. However, the Act failed to fulfill the purpose for which it was enacted. Instead of permitting, the UK Judges to manipulate the human rights direction or developing human rights culture in UK or internationally, the Act was largely criticized by the public[5]. One of the reasons the Act faced criticism was section 2 of the HRA 1998. Section 2(1) of the Act stated that in order to determine any question related to the rights in the Convention, the judgment, declaration, decision and the advisory opinion of the ECtHR must be taken into consideration to the extent that it is relevant to the legal proceedings from the question it has arisen. The public criticized the legislation, as it was apparent that the UK courts have to consider the Strasbourg law and not the ECtHR statutory interpretation of the Convention. The Parliament reassured that the provision under section 2(1) of the Act does not require the UK courts to consider the Strasbourgs decision but respect Strasbourg jurisprudence as was held by the House of Lords in Regina (Ullah) v Special Adjudicator [2004][6]. Secondly, Section 3 of the Act expressly stated that primary and subordinate legislation must be interpreted in a manner that is in consistent with the rights laid down in the Convention, as far as it is possible to do the same. The provision was criticized for the fact that HRA 1988 is a broad legislation and the provisions therein are not in detail form as compared to the other legal statutes. Consequently, the Judges had an extensive area to apply their discretion. Section 3 of the Act have restricted the courts power to interpret the statutes as they are to be construed only in the manner that is in compliance with the rights mentioned in the Convention as far as it is possible to do so. However, in realty, the Parliament has provided the judiciary sufficient freedom to interpret statutes even when it becomes impossible to construe the same in a manner that is in consistent with the rights mentioned in the Convention[7]. The provision is ambiguous as it vaguely states the possibl e limits of interpretation by the British Judges. In Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza [2002][8], it was stated that the court may be required to interpret beyond the legislative intent of the Parliament. Thirdly, section 4 of the HRA permits the domestic Courts to issue a Declaration of Incompatibility, that is, when the interpretation of a statute is not compatible with the rights laid down in the Convention. This provision of the Act safeguards the Parliamentary sovereignty principle. The section enables the courts to issue declaration that it is not possible to interpret the statute in consistent with the rights mentioned in the Convention as stipulated under section 3 of the Act. In cases where the statutes are construed in contrary to the rights of the conventions, such construing of the statutes comes into conflict with the intention of the legislature. Only the courts having superior authority can issue a Declaration of Incompatibility. However, the incompatibility declaration do not bind the parties to the legal proceedings neither such a declaration can make the legislation invalid. In Burden V United Kingdom [2008][9], the declaration did not prove to be an effective remedy . The purpose of the section cannot be achieved by lawful means but by political means. The section has restricted the independence of the judiciary as Parliament is empowered to legislate in case the interpretation is inconsistent with the Convention rights[10]. Fourthly, section 10 empowers the minister of the government the power to provide a remedial order in response to the declaration of incompatibility or any ruling passed by the ECtHR. The minister to remove any such necessary incompatibility must pass the remedial order. The order is passed in order to make the legislation consistent with the rights mentioned in the Convention even if it is required to frame a completely new legislation. Fifthly, section 6 of the Act stipulates that tribunals and courts be considered as public bodies, which denotes that the judgment made must be in compliance with the human rights of the nation irrespective of the fact that the dispute is between the citizens or between the citizens and the state except the incompetent declarations made by the Judges. Lastly, section 8 stipulates that a court is empowered to make such necessary rectifications which they consider to be appropriate and fair. The right of the judges to make the necessary remedies is not restricted to a Declaration of Incompatibility. The judges may consider the equality maxim while providing such necessary remedies. On one hand, the legal framework of the HRA brings about a significant contrast between the relationships of the domestic courts with the Parliament, whereas on the other hand, it signifies the contrast between the relationships of the domestic courts with Strasbourg Court. For instance, section 4 recognizes the supremacy of Parliament because if any interpretation is made which is inconsistent with the Convention rights, the Domestic courts can only issue an incompatible declaration[11]. It is for the Parliament to decide what action can be taken to identify the issue raised by the domestic court. If the Parliament expresses its views clearly then the domestic courts are under obligation to give effect to the legislative intention of the Parliament. Several times, the public often alleges the courts that the decisions are often influenced by political reasons instead of legal reasons. The Courts alleged to illicitly contravene the limits of the constitutional law and intrude in the politics to the disadvantage of the government and the Parliament. This feature of the judiciary is sometimes termed as judicial politicization[12]. The ECtHR is encouraging the judges to become more politicized as a result of which the significance of national sovereignty is coming down. Before the enactment of the act, court were allowed to use the Convention rights as a tool for construing statutes and the Parliaments act was not apparent. After the enactment, the courts are under an obligation to interpret the statutes in compliance with the Convention Rights. The role of the judges has been critically assessed whether it was the judges or the Parliament that was legislating laws. Although the Judges are not adherent to politics but they deal with certain cases especially policy related decisions, which in a democratic country, must be made by the parliament. The main argument against the implementation of the HRA is that its aims to tilt the balance of power in the favor of the judges. If the judges are brought into politics the way in which they are appointed would be questioned by the people. The decision made by the judges and the political position of the potential judges would come under public scrutiny as the case has been in America[13]. Various senior judges have dismissed the fear of the critiques with respect to the implementation of human rights in the English legal system. The chief justice of England and Wales lord Woolf said that the implementation of the HRA would not at all politicize the judges. Moreover, the judges will now have a more difficult role as they would need to address complicated questions with respect to human rights compliance consisting of political elements. The judges always addressed these questions but after the implementation of the Act, they would have to deal with them more often[14]. The best counter argument to the critiques in relation to the implementation of HRA is that the act does not allow the judges top override the primary principles of other legislations and as a result maintains the parliamentary supremacy. The act only tells the judges to make their interpretation with respect to the provisions compatible to the convention as far as it is possible for them to do so without hampering the principle of the legislation. The judges have no power to change the legislation and declare it as unconventional on any grounds. The government minister can also only change the legislation without waiting for a new enactment when the judges of a higher court have declared the legislation unconstitutional[15]. The question, which arises due to this, is that how often and to what extent the ministers can use such powers. According to Lord Woolf, the parliament would continue to use such powers, as its objective would be to ensure the compliance with the European conven tion. Contradictory to this statement it was provided by Lord Irvin that the parliament will not always strive to change legislations according to judges declaration of incompatibility and there would be cases where the parliament would not make changes to the legislations. Thus, the answer to the question is still unclear. Statutory interpretation is done by the court in order to bring out the intention of the parliament. The court is not concerned about the ability of the parliament with respect to providing a fair and just result in relation to the parties to the dispute. It only mains to interpret the provisions provided by the parliament using different rules such as the literal, golden and mischief rule of interpretation. This aspect of interpretation of statues may sometimes lead to an unfair result, which is against the provisions in relation to human rights. The Constitution clearly identifies human rights as one of the main pillars of democracy therefore; there was a significant need to address the issue. The implementation of the HRA has provided a tool to the judges to interpret the legislations in a manner, which provide a result in compliance to human rights. It can be argued in this case that the political background of the judges may influence the decision made by them and the results ob tained would be according to their personal perspective not the legal perspective[16]. However, it has to be noted in this case that judges are not able to alter the meaning of the legislations according to their own perspective and can only alter it to the extent that it does not contradict the provisions of the primary legislation. The inclusion of HR in relation to statutory interpretation has made the legal system of UK a better place. This can be best illustrated by through the case of Mr and Mrs Driscoll. In this case the husband and wife were dependant on one another as one was blind and the other could not walk. They both lived together and compensated for the disabilities of each other. The husband was moved to a care home but the wife was not allowed as she lacked criteria. It was decided on the basis of human rights that the wife must also be allowed. It has been argued against the implementation of HRA that is is providing excessive rights to the individuals[17]. A student who has not been allowed into the class room is claiming compensation, a person committing rape is claiming compensation as an appeal made by him had been delayed and individuals who have obtained sites contradicting the planning provisions are being allowed to retain their premises. However, they did not take account of the fact that even if individuals are claiming rights in excess none of the claims, which are irrelevant, are being upheld by the court. All the above-mentioned claims in relation to the human rights have been rejected by the court. It has been argued against the implementation of HRA that it would lead to suppress the parliamentary supremacy as the judges would find ways to amend legislation in order to bring into effect their own ideologies[18]. However, there have been no evidence provided by the critiques to support this statement. In most of the cases where the judges do not find compatibility with the human rights commissions the court makes sure that it issues a declaration of incompatibility without altering the meaning of the legislation. According to Donnelly that Human Rights Act is not able to provide protection to to rights as the government has the power under Article 15 of the constitution to derogate from the ECHR[19]. Recent court decisions such as in the case of R (ProLife Alliance) v. BBC[2002][20] have been decided on the basis of common law rather than that of the statutory rights. This introduces judicial activism within the legal system. However it has to be noted in favor of the HRA that these cases are rare and common law is only applied when it is not possible to comply with the conventional rights. The following cases depict how the implementation of the HRA has had a positive impact on the English legal system. In the case of Campbell v. MGN Ltd.[2002][21] both Sara Cox and Naomi Campbell wanted to assert under the Act their right to privacy. Both of them were successful in getting their claim with respect to privacy and an amendment was brought by the British parliament to introduce the need of privacy in the legal system. In the case of A and Others v. Secretary of State for the Home Department[2004][22] it was held by the house of lords that the provisions of the part 4 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001[23] were not compatible with that of the human rights convention. As a result, the part 4 of the Act had been replaced by the new 2005 amendment. In the case of Price v. Leeds City Council[2005][24] it was held by the court that the right to home with respect to a Romani family could not be infringed by the Leeds council and they could not be evicted from public land. The decision was however referred to the House of Lords as it was contradicting the compliance with ECHR. These cases prove hoe effectively the implementation of the HRA is being going on in UK. Concluding the paper it can be determined that amidst several criticisms the implementation of HRA had brought a revolutionary change in the English Legal System. The act had been enacted perfectly with respect to creating a balance between common law and human rights. Prima faice it can be stated that the HRA provides excessive rights to the individuals, increased power to the judiciary, risk of judicial politicization, favor to the terrorist, unlawful interpretation of statues and inadequacy. However an in depth analysis of the impact of HRA on the English legal system prove that its benefits to the society override its detriments. The implementation of the Act do not affect the the parliamentary supremacy as Sections clearly state that the provisions can only be interpreted in a way which does not make the inconsistent to the principles of the legislation. The purpose of law is to provide justice and maintain equality and not to punish the innocent on technical grounds. The implementation of the HRA ensures that there is no detriment caused to the innocent party and justice along with the principles of equality is used when deciding a point of law. Thus, the paper can be concluded by saying that HRA has had a positive impact on the English Legal System without introducing the risk of judicial politicization. References and Bibliography Blauberger, Michael, and R. Daniel Kelemen. "Can courts rescue national democracy? Judicial safeguards against democratic backsliding in the EU."Journal of European Public Policy(2016): 1-16. Canes-Wrone, Brandice. "When judges face politicized reelections, their opinions on hot-button issues change to reflect the majority view."LSE American Politics and Policy(2014). Clapham, Andrew.Human rights: a very short introduction. OUP Oxford, 2015. Clapham, Andrew.Human rights: a very short introduction. OUP Oxford, 2015. 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Ziegler, Katja S., Elizabeth Wicks, and Loveday Hodson, eds.The UK and European Human Rights: A Strained Relationship?. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015. Johns, Robert.Using the law in social work. Learning Matters, 2014. Waddington v Miah [1974] UKHL 6, 138 JP 497, 59 Cr App Rep 149, [1974] 2 All ER 377, [1974] 1 WLR 683 Clapham, Andrew.Human rights: a very short introduction. OUP Oxford, 2015. Regina (Ullah) v Special Adjudicator [2004] UKHL 26. Stone, Richard.Textbook on civil liberties and human rights. Textbook on, 2014. Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza [2002] EWCA Civ 1533; [2004] UKHL 30 Burden V United Kingdom 13378/05, [2008] ECHR 357, Times 07-May-2008, [2008] 18 EG 126 Delaney, Erin. "Searching for constitutional meaning in institutional design: The debate over judicial appointments in the United Kingdom."International Journal of Constitutional Law14.3 (2016): 752-768. Blauberger, Michael, and R. Daniel Kelemen. "Can courts rescue national democracy? 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Cornell University Press, 2013. R (ProLife Alliance) v. BBC[2002] EWCA Civ 297 Campbell v. MGN Ltd.[2002] EWCA Civ 1373 A and Others v. Secretary of State for the Home Department[2004]UKHL 56 Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 Price v. Leeds City Council[2005]
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
4 categories de divorces Essays - Politics Of France, Free Essays
4 categories de divorces Essays - Politics Of France, Free Essays 4 categories de divorces Divorce par consentement mutuel: plus de passage devant le juge depuis le 1er janvier 2017. C'est a la demande de l'enfant mineur au pres de ses parents qu'il iraient devant le juge (critique). Dans d'autres pays de l'UE le recours au juge est obligatoire lorsqu'il y a un enfant mineur. Chacun doit avoir son propre avocat. Ils sont charges de rediger un acte contresigne par les avocats et ensuite soumis au notaire depose au rend des minutes. On passe ensuite par un huissier de justice. Pas susceptible d'appel. Divorce contentieux: soit pas d'accord sur la consequences du divorce soit pas d'accord sur le principe du divorce. (Divorce pour alteration definitive du lien conjugal, divorce pour faute, divorce accepte) Divorce pour faute: l'infidelite n'est pas une faute. Admis de plus en plus rare et sa principale faute c'est les cas de violences. Divorce accepte: il est demande par un des epoux en justice, l'autre et d'accord mais pas sur les consequences tires. Divorce pour alteration definitive du lien conjugal: separation depuis plus de deux ans. I) une appreciation concreto des juges A) la vie du couple comme element de reference B) Les souffrances envisages par la rupture pour refuser de prononcer le divorce II) la suprematie de la volonte de divorcer A) la prise en compte de la situation du demandeur a l'action B) Le sacrifice de l'engagement cultuel au detriment de la vie du couple Dissertation: I) Le mutus disensus cle de voute de la convention entre epoux. A) Le role preeminent laisse aux avocats et aux notaires. B) LE sort de l'enfant laisse a l'appreciation des epoux. II) L'absence nefaste de tiers a la convention A) Le contentieux ne de la convention et ses consequences B) Le desengagement de l'Etat au titre d'interets economiques.
Friday, February 21, 2020
What is the significance of the end of the Cold War for US Foreign Essay
What is the significance of the end of the Cold War for US Foreign Policy - Essay Example inevitably should address different situations all over the world on a regular basis. Thus, the given essay aims to represent both positive and negative aspects of the appeared transformation of international regime for the United States. In the context of advantages, the paper determines the stability of American internal processes in the new circumstances as a basis for its claims on hegemony and strengths in both realist and liberal terms. At the same time, it acknowledges the dangers of prevalence of numerous not dual powerful interests and American economic weakness, which limit its current prominence. In short, it turns evident that the end of the Cold War encourages the US foreign policy to simply accustom already existing principles to the new international conditions. On the one hand, the beginning of Cold War period evoked the completely new agenda setting for the USA; in this context, the rapid collapse of the USSR meant only the elimination of real threat not the end of the already launched processes. For instance, the Grand Strategy of NSC-68 seems not sustainable in the contemporary security matters due to its age. Notwithstanding this, the ground idea of the organized security policy is still valid and determining the U.S. foreign policy1. Moreover, the lying principle of containment policy to â€Å"lay chiefly in preventing the coming together of potentially hostile states†2 sounds reasonable and up-to-date even in the new circumstances. Because of this, it is possible to state that USA has a long-term experience of managing the world in order to maintain its complexity and separateness. Therefore, the post-Cold War appearance of the U.S. foreign policy does not require the new approach but simply encourages to modify already existi ng strategies in the new international system. In fact, the elimination of one of the members in a pair international dominance rivalry creates an opportunity for the winner in this race to turn into
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Critically assess the claim that market research is essential to Essay
Critically assess the claim that market research is essential to small, family owned firms. Do you think that the research aims, methods, tools, outcomes, and e - Essay Example Family owned business market research is usually discussed by the family members who are member of the company. While in big organizations, market research is discussed by high ranking personnel and a team of marketing personnel. We will discuss the importance of market research in a small family owned business. Family businesses have their own special set of challenges. Not only are you in personal relationships with a number of the people you are working with, which can complicate those relationships and those with your other employees, but you also need to deal with leadership roles and how ownership is passed to future generations. ( Market research deals with the gathering of information, analyzing data and recording. Its uses include helping create a business plan, launch a new product or service, fine tune existing products and services, and expand into new markets. Market research can be used to determine which portion of the population will purchase the product/service, based on variables like age, gender, location and income level. It can be found out what market characteristics a target market has. With market research, companies can learn more about current and potential customers. ( Like any other business the small family owned business needs to have a market research to be able to ... Family members who are involved in the business usually have contradicting ideas and sometimes resulted in misunderstanding because emotions interfere. This is a market research should enters. The family members should put in mind that in market research the success and growth of the business is possible. Market research will also reduce the risk at the earliest stage. Small and big companies start the market research by gathering market information to ensure that they can serve their client by: remaining current with trends, keeping ahead of their competitors and seeking out new markets. Market Research There are several steps that need to be done in order to have a successful market research. The first thing that we need to identify is the problem involve in the company. A family owned company usually have problem in concluding in several things. One of the dimensions that need to be overcome by the family owned company is involvement of emotion during decision making. In a market research it is a waste if you proceed into something without identifying the problem first. Like any other business the family owned business should be able to identify the problem of their business correctly. Market research also helps companies develop information regarding new products or product lines and learn how well new items will be received. It can also help businesses learn how the public responds to a comparable product already on the market. In this way, business can stay in the loop, keeping in touch with the wants and needs of potential consumers. They can halt production of a product that the public shows little or no interest in, or change it, improve it, or
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
E Books To Replace College Textbooks
E Books To Replace College Textbooks E-learning is today gaining serious grounds as most institutions of learning are fast adopting e-learning methods and techniques, at the same time doing away with the manual learning technique which involves text books in institutions/Universities. With the advent of e-books, textbooks are fast becoming obsolete as Hellman revealed that, it is even more economical using e-books than textbooks as it saves time (11). Methodically, it is observed that it is more economical to acquire E-books than a manual textbook. The general cost of acquiring an E-book is much cheaper or less than a text book. Experts advise that it is much more economical to use e-books in a learning process than textbooks. One can save more when using E-books than when using textbooks. Today, E-books are generally accepted as the generality of students studying in various institutions would prefer to save for other purposes, if they discover that it is cheaper than acquiring a manual textbook. The possibility of the se E-books is another aspect that makes it very feasible to use than the manual textbooks. With the availability of electronic gadgets like the I-Pad, Palm tops and other electronic devices that can effectively aid reading has made the use of E-books feasible and has given it an edge over the manual textbooks, especially considering its cost. Table of Content Page No. Executive Summary.. 1 Introduction . 4 Portability . 5 Cost . 6 Availability 7 Method 7 Data . 8 Conclusion 8 Recommendation.. 9 Works Cited. 10 Introduction The e-book is just a literary work in a different form from the textbook, it is only a digital object that is composed of one or more standard and distinctive identifiers, broad databases as well as monographic body of content that is directed towards published books and accessed through electronic devices. Indiviglio explained that, both the textbooks and e-books receive the same content provided in print textbooks together with their print page numbers for note-taking as well as communication features that can only be obtainable through the internet Students are capable of printing out the pages they require at any particular time. Values in the e-book arena are being developed in five key areas that include e-book formats, digital right management format, digital audio formats, digital rights management systems as well as distribution and promotion. Each of these has an appealing technological aspect, but they are also motivating in terms of the stakeholders who encourage them. Th e internet has allowed us to take full benefit of the accessibility and user-friendly resources obtainable to us. Today, it sure seem like the era of manual textbooks have enjoyed their stay and rule in the learning process, now, the e-book is taking its turn and dominating the learning process. Besides that, at the beginning of fall semester, there is always a plan on how one spends his money and aside food and beer, a greater percentage of funds are always channelled to pounds and pounds of textbooks. Lately, e-readers have decided to set free college students from heaving anything to do with bundles of pages of manual textbooks that most of them drag home from the bookstore at the commencement of every semester. Melissa explained that, from Amazons Kindle DX to Barnes Nobles Nook and even the I-Pad, an age group of digital readers have pledged to restore overflowing backpacks filled with stuffy textbooks with a portable, lightweight slate loaded with every required book one will ever need for the whole semester or even for every semester (Melissa). But can one just go and download the books that are vital for class at that particular time? How expensive are they? Before one would consider going for an e-book, they should note that, the portability, the cost, and availability at any particular time is very critical. Portability Learning process is quite a task; therefore no one would want to make learning more difficult, but simple. Hoofing textbooks to class like a hunch back in most cases is quite a difficult task. Having 30 pounds of textbooks drooping off ones back in a bag that looks like it is about to crack at the seams, the spine definitely surfers (Melisa 23). However, rather than hoof over 30 pounds on the back, when there is an option of a portable e-book reader. Instead of 30 pounds, it will be preferably to use the e-reader in a device that is normally as portable as a magazine. Reading devices like the Kindle DX weigh about 1.1 pounds, while the I-Pad is just about 1.5 pounds. It is observed that, when assessing the cost of e-books they cannot be sold, which strikes a most important drive against any form of media that a lot of people would only presume converting directly to beer money once they are done using that book. However, another important note is that, the E-book cannot be borrowed, unlike the manual textbook. E-books cannot be lent and be destroyed on returned (Bilton). The plan or idea of splitting between two friends is not applicable to e-book and with this feature; the e-book can be preserved for a very long period of time and it also saves cost. Several e-readers claim that, e-book lending is permitted, but this is not quite true. On the other hand, one can lend an e-book, only if the publisher permits it and for a given time period of 14 days and just once ever, for the existence of the book. Some patents do not allow the borrowing of e-books, once an individual buys, it can be tattooed or customized to the individuals taste as nobody else will have right of use to that book except the owner. Cost The internet is a medium or house for enormous potential with several useful functions that are conveniently used to assist people save money in the long run. In this paper, the cost of acquiring e-books and textbooks when compared is much cheaper than textbooks. When discussing the expenses of books in relation to college students, Bilton states that, but it is a very important cost. The average public university student spends $1,122 per year on books, according to the College Board (E-Books: A New School of Thought). Normally, this cost annually is for a public college student which is the least when comparing with a private university student. Comparatively, this is quite expensive relative to E-Books currently selling for $3 to $7 range (Indiviglio). This to a great extent proves the overbearing cost of text, excluding the tuition fee. Students who buy e-books pay significantly less than the cost of either used or new books, with an average savings of about $60, the advantages can extend when the universities decide to select digitally (Hellman 14). Students at the University System of Pennsylvania, for instance, are enjoying great value at a great price, now that the university system has partnered with Course Smart. Course Smart is an online bookstore that bears over 90% of all major textbooks used in Higher Education today as E-Textbooks. The objective is to achieve this particular goal of benefiting as a university, and also acquiring the personal gain that comes with using it (Hellman 14). Availability Today, it really looks like the textbook is more available than the e-book, but no, that is quite not true. E-books require just the electronic devices and the printing it online and not on paper like the textbooks. The textbook requires printing on paper which is extremely expensive. Paper is made from wood that is supposed to be used in other meaningful economic means, but rather waste it on printing textbooks that will get rot after a period of time (Indiviglio). But the e-book is always accessible and can be preserved over a long period of time; it can also be referenced whenever the need arises without it being depleted like the printed textbooks. This really makes the e-book more available than the printed textbooks. Method Today, the e-book has made the very expensive competitive and would soon be decided whether it will continue at its high rates or not, the I-pad and the Apples e-learning devices will cost less than taking a whole pile of textbooks. For instance, Mokey asserted that various schedules supported on books could make a University freshman consider whether he really need it for different introductory courses, he will rather get to consider how much he will be expected to spend on e-books than his normal printed textbooks. After drawing his plans, he will get to decide whether to go for e-books as it will cost him far less than what textbooks will cost him. Though, money might not really be a great cause to look into an e-reader, a student will discover that, buying e-books will cost him less than getting printed textbooks from the stores, he will get to keep the e-books for a long period of time while the textbooks might get rotten over time. Mokey also cited that, two students went to sh op online in online stores, after buying from a normal book store to compare prices; they observed that, the online shopping was far cheaper than the textbooks gotten from the book store. Data When comparing different brands, it is observed that between hefty textbooks and the new e-reader, the e-books can save a full pack. For example, writing systematically would cost about $66.50 brand new textbooks from the US book store, while a simple download of an e-book could cost just $46.30 on the Amazon and one will get a total savings of about $20.20 for just a single book (Bilton). Different factors in the used-book market and savings decline a little more like the portrait for instance. It is observed today in schools that, most students prefer to buy their books online, rather than go to normal stores and get printed textbooks for their learning. Data released from a survey monitoring students behaviour with the likes of books reveal that, the Apple I-Pad tablet is gradually dominating and it is already more popular than the other forms of textbooks used by students. But the easy accessibility to textbooks makes some school administrators question the effectiveness of the e -reader. Also, the resale value of e-books when compared generally reveals that, it is more economical to textbooks. Advantages One of the main advantages of the e-book is the low cost. There are no printing, storage, or postal fees involved with e-books, therefore the product is produced at a lower cost. This is an advantage for the production company and the consumer. Traditional textbook costs have been an ongoing problem for college students worldwide. In an effort to follow the trend of textbooks rising cost, it was found that the average prices rose 186 percent between 1986 and 2005, and continue to shoot up each year far faster than inflation (Jeffrey Young). This price increase has taken on toll on many students pockets with a cost of more than 80 dollars per book on average. In an article discussing the expenses of books in relation to college students, Baumann states, Its a significant cost. The average full-time public university student spends $1,122 per year on books, according to the College Board (Ebooks: A New School of Thought). This is more than twice the amount e-books users are spending. S tudents who purchase e-books pay substantially less than the cost of either new or used books, with an average savings of about $60 per book. That is a huge saving, especially for those who already struggle to pay for their tuition and books. Our objective is to maximize students savings by more than 50 percent. The update function is also an important advantage that the e-book holds. The e-book allows for instant updating of outdated material without having to purchase new material. Traditional textbooks are available in several editions, because the authors continue to add new findings. Since the e-books are a part of an electronic database the information is easily accessed for renewal. This prevents the students from having to purchase new editions, with minute differences from past editions, but sold for a higher cost. This is a factor because if the textbook is a new edition used books arent available; therefore the student must purchase the new book at the full inflated cost. Other advantages of the e-book are the convenience, weight riddance, saving trees, and the bookmarking, highlighting, annotating and search capabilities. E-books are typically purchased and download from the internet; therefore this may be done from home. That saves time for students who may work full-time or half congested scheduled. Also bookstores are known to have long lines causing long wait times. This time constraint could be eliminated with the convenience of purchasing the e-book at your own leisure. Along with that advantage is the withdrawal of carrying these books. Textbooks weight can be overbearing, especially when a student is carrying four to five books at one time. Some books, particularly for economics or the hard sciences, can weigh up to seven lbs. each. This proves that the baggage can get physically exhausting. On the other hand the e-book is baggage free, if assuming students will access information from school. If others choose to carry and alternate device, s uch as a laptop or kindle, it still would not amount to half the weight of carrying even two traditional textbooks. Using the type of devices also saves trees. According to, Nearly 4 billion trees or 35% of the total trees cut around the world are used in paper industries. The one-third percent of trees cut down for paper could drastically decrease with the ebook conversion. The environmental friendly paper alternative could be vital to our health and the environment. Although the ebook can be printed if preferred, this is a matter of personal choice. The ebook proves to be environmentally and economically sound. In addition to contributing to the environment, these devices also have capabilities that textbooks does not. They hold the options of bookmarking, highlighting, annotating and searching through text. These are means that could make studying easier. It saves time and relieves the difficulty of searching through material for needed information. Bookmarking, annot ating, and highlighting text is also useful for preserving thoughts and ideas, and organization. This helps maintain a trouble-free studying experience with just a click. Disadvantages The main disadvantage of the e-book is the concern of eyestrain and accessibility. The display resolution of computer screens and electronic devices is considerably less than the print quality produced by a printing press; therefore viewing the material electronically is believed to be a strain on the eyes. This can cause discomfort to the reader which could discourage study habits. The chair of the ophthalmology department at the University of North Carolina disagrees with this notion and went on to explain that it is not the screen causing the strain, but suggest its a variety of other factors that can cause physical fatigue (Dr. Travis Meredith). He then went on to further explain the problem and suggest a solution to the problem. Dr. Meredith states, the ergonomics of reading screens and the lack of blinking when we stare at them play a big role in eye fatigue. The current problem with reading on screens is that we need to adjust our bodies to our computer screens, rather than th e screens adjusting to us. This is something that students should consider when seeking comfort while studying. Another solution to this problem would be using the print option offered. Most e-books offer the option to print text, therefore the student is afforded the option to print the necessary text needed when studying for extended periods of time. This choice integrates the two study habits for the small fee of printing the pages needed. This function is also a solution to the issue of accessibility. Some students do not have access to the needed devices to access the e-books outside of school, others worry of not having ready access to the text in classrooms when needed. Those students could simply print the text from school libraries for home use. This enables the student to have the luxury of both electronic and printed text, if necessary. Other disadvantages of the e-book are the durability and battery-life. E-book readers are more susceptible to damage from being dropped or hit than a print book. This can become a problem when toting around electronic devices. When students are carrying around such sensitive equipment extra precautions should be taken. As with any piece of technology, the reader must be protected from the elements (such as extreme cold, heat, water, etc.). To ensure caution is taken students should protect the device with the proper cover. There is covered protection available to protect against these issues. If an instance occurs that the device is damaged, students may access the information from the online database it was originally purchased from. This solution is also useful to in case of data loss and other hardware or software malfunctions. In addition to the durability problem is the issue of the battery-life. Most laptops and other electronic devices have a battery life of three to four hour s. This may become a problem if the student is mobile with the device. In a situation such as this, students should carry a secondary battery as a back-up or bring along a charger. Most public places have available outlets and are equipped with free Wi-Fi for the purpose of studying and searching the web. This promotes positive study habits from practically anywhere. Conclusion The accessibility and familiarity provided by Apple, Pc and Macintosh computers is a very exciting one that will keep the use of e-books for a longer existence than the textbooks. Having had a great deal of experience through school, I strongly believe that, no knowledge is wasted and at the same time it is much easier to use e-books than it is to use textbooks. In my final school year, I decided I was going to use only e-books and that helped me greatly as I save a lot of money, got easy access to e-books than when I used to buy text books for my studies. Recommendation Today I am very familiar with e-books and nothing has been easier than using e-books for learning purposes. Therefore, I strongly recommend e-books for students in schools today as it saves time; it is easily accessible and always available as well as cost effective.
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