Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Exploring Harry Potter essays
Exploring Harry Potter essays It is clear that J.K. Rowling took extraordinary care in crafting the first book in her Harry Potter series. Therefore, it appears that there must be some significance to the fact that Harry believed that his parents died in a car crash before learning that he was a wizard. In order to understand that significance, it is important to examine how Harry learned that his parents did not die in a car crash. Interestingly enough, no one in the wizarding world revealed the true nature of his parents death, instead his aunt Petunia exploded about their deaths when Harry was approached by Hogwarts: Then she met that Potter at school and they left and got married and had you, and of course I knew youd be just the same, just as strange, just as as abnormal and then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up and we got landed with you! Harry had gone very white. As soon as he found his voice he said, Blown up? You told me they died in a car crash! CAR CRASH! roared Hagrid, jumping up so angrily that the Dursleys scuttled back to their corner. How could a car crash kill Lily an James Potter? Its an outrage! A scandal! Harry Potter not knowin his own story when every kid in our world knows his name! (Rowling, p.53). From the passage, it is clear that Petunia has a tremendous amount of disdain for wizards in general, and Harry in particular. Therefore, it seems likely that this disdain is at the root of their lies about the method of Lily and James death. As a result, it is important to understand Petunias disdain for wizards and wizardry, in order to understand why she lied about the manner of James and Lilys death. The Dursleys issues with Harry being a wizard are an important element of foreshadowing. By denying that wizardry had anything to do with the death of his parents, the...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
All About Levees in the U.S.
All About Levees in the U.S. A levee is a type of dam or wall, usually a man-made embankment, that acts as a barrier between water and property. It is often a raised berm that runs along a river or canal. Levees reinforce a rivers banks and help prevent flooding. By constricting and confining the flow, however, levees can also increase the speed of the water. Levees can fail in at least two ways: (1) the structure is not high enough to stop rising waters, and (2) the structure is not strong enough to hold back rising waters. When a levee breaks at a weakened area, the levee is considered breached, and water flows through the breach or hole. A levee system often includes pumping stations as well as embankment. A levee system can fail if one or more of the pumping stations fail. Definition of Levee A man-made structure, usually an earthen embankment or concrete floodwall, designed and constructed in accordance with sound engineering practices to contain, control, or divert the flow of water so as to provide reasonable assurance of excluding temporary flooding from the leveed area. - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Types of Levees Levees can be natural or man-made. A natural levee is formed when sediment settles on the river bank, raising the level of the land around the river. To construct a man-made levee, workers pile dirt or concrete along the river banks (or parallel to any body of water that may rise), to create an embankment. This embankment is flat at the top, and slopes at an angle down to the water. For added strength, sandbags are sometimes placed over dirt embankments. Origin of the Word The word levee (pronounced LEV-ee) is an Americanism - that is, a word used in the United States, but not anywhere else in the world. It should come as no surprise that levee originated in the great port city of New Orleans, Louisiana, at the mouth of the flood-prone Mississippi River. Coming from the French word levà ©e and the French verb lever meaning to raise, handmade embankments to protect farms from seasonal floods became known as levees. A dike serves the same purpose as a levee, but that word comes from the Dutch dijk or German deich. Levees Around the World A levee is also known as a floodbank, stopbank, embarkment, and storm barrier. Although the structure goes by different names, levees protect the land in many parts of the world. In Europe, levees prevent flooding along the Po, Vistula, and Danube rivers. In the United States, you will find important levee systems along the Mississippi, Snake, and Sacramento Rivers. In California, an aging levee system is used in Sacramento and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Poor maintenance of the Sacramento levees have made the area prone to flooding. Global warming has brought stronger storms and greater risks of flooding. Engineers are seeking alternatives to levees for flood control. The answer may lie in modern flood control technologies used in England, Europe, and Japan. Levees, New Orleans, and Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, Louisiana, is largely below sea level. The systematic construction of its levees began in the 19th century and continued into the 20th century as the federal government became more involved with engineering and funding. In August 2005, several levees along waterways of Lake Ponchartrain failed, and water covered 80% of New Orleans. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers designed the levees to withstand the forces of a fast-blowing Category 3 storm; they werent strong enough to survive the Category 4 Hurricane Katrina. If a chain is as strong as its weakest link, a levee is as functional as its structural weakness. A full year before Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, Walter Maestri, the emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, was quoted in the New Orleans Times-Picayune: It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us. - June 8, 2004 (one year before Hurricane Katrina) Levees as Infrastructure Infrastructure is a framework of communal systems. In the 18th and 19th centuries, farmers created their own levees to protect their fertile farmland from inevitable floods. As more and more people became dependent on other people for growing their food, it made sense that flood mitigation was everyones responsibility and not simply the local farmer. Through legislation, the federal government helps states and localities with engineering and subsidizing the cost of levee systems. Flood insurance has also become a way for people living in high risk areas can help with the cost of levee systems. Some communities have combined flood mitigation with other public works projects, such as highways along riverbanks and hiking paths in recreation areas. Other levees are nothing more than functional. Architecturally, levees can be aesthetically pleasing feats of engineering. The Future of Levees Todays levees are being engineered for resilience and built for double duty - protection when needed and recreation in the off-season. Creating a levee system has become a partnership among communities, counties, states, and federal government entities. Risk assessment, construction costs, and insurance liabilities combine in a complex soup of action and inaction for these public works projects. The building of levees to mitigate flooding will continue to be an issue as communities plan and build for extreme weather events, a predictable unpredictability from climate change. Sources USACE Program Levees, US Army Corps of Engineers at States of Shame, by Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, September 3, 2005 [accessed August 12, 2016]History of Levees, FEMA, PDF at photos: Mario Tama/Getty Images; Julie Dermansky/Corbis via Getty Images (cropped)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future Essay - 1
Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals - Essay Example r, the main motivators for me to choose computer engineering over mechanical engineering were the following: first and foremost, computer engineering is such a relevant course at this point in time. It is a well known fact that computers are part and parcel of our every day activity. This is one field that is a key driver of innovation in several fields such as education, communication, business as well as entertainment. I am a very curious person and naturally would like to be part of this tremendous change. Secondly computer engineering is a challenging as well as creative field. There are various applications of computer engineering that makes for extremely challenging and creative projects. This is therefore to mean that working as a computer specialist exposes one to such activities as provision of security for extremely sensitive information, development of systems capable of processing scientific data, creation of web-based applications, developing software for innovative mobi le devices as well as many more. This makes the work interesting and leaves one yearning and curious for his/her next venture. Thirdly, computer engineering is one of the most lucrative fields in the world. Computer engineers are some of the highly paid professionals since they are forever in high demand. Thus computer engineering is a dynamic field and is amongst the top fields for exciting and fresh job growth all through the remaining better part of this century. The future, without any doubt, is full of promises and there is no doubt at all that computers are permeating every part of our culture. With technology changing every day, no one can tell for sure what exciting possibilities one’s career may take. This therefore makes me want the more, to be in a strategic position where I can contribute in this great transformation of our society, unlike mechanical engineering which lacks that (Garner, 2003). In addition, I am very particular about my future plans and for this reason I
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Art and Its Political Messages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Art and Its Political Messages - Essay Example Art and Its Political Messages In his painting about the bad government, crime is way out of control and the people roam a collapsing city. On the side, people in the countryside experience drought. In the work done by artist Brunelleschi, the Duomo of Florence is now the mark of Florence; this is the tallest structure and it illustrates availability of wealth and the public pride of the most influential families in town, in the time of revival (Jane 9). Leonardo, in order to locate the woman in his painting with ease, used the design of a pyramid. In the portrait, the hands that are folded shape the pyramids front corner. The light ensures that the different living surfaces are not only given the significant geometrical spheres, but also given the underlying circles. Leonardo used a system that looks easy while creating his figure of the seated female, which entailed the widespread images of the seated Madonna. He perfectly mod ified the technique so as to form a clear visual impression successfully in relation to the distance between the woman seated and the person who observes the chair armrest also becomes an element that creates division between the person viewing and the woman seated. During the Italian revival, new methods developed in the sectors of painting, monuments and architecture. Figures demonstrate feelings in their movement and expressions on their face. The magnificence of the human structure exposes itself, as it happened in the traditional Greeks, naked as the form of art. In naturalism, the artists put more attention on exposing the significance of nature. In the invention of oil paint, apart from tempera or wet plaster which is easy to dry, there is the introduction of shading regions and the usage of silhouette. Using canvas as a medium when painting with oil, the artist were able to mix color, create a vapor, and perform their work for a longer duration and with more effectiveness (Jane 10). Antiquity Italian revival was amongst the significant, useful age, with great figures of exceptional masters to be established in various centers and every key field’s work o f art, sculpture and structural design. In the revival, there was a close relation between art and science. Artists and scientists mutually struggled to master the substantial environment and the skill of work of art profited by the two sectors of study that was termed as scientific: structure of man, which represented the body of human in a remarkably accurate manner, and on a mathematical perception (Jane 16). Formerly, painters had accomplished this cause by experimental ways, but the invention of a mathematical technique of achieving a three-dimensional idea is accredited to Brunelleschi in almost 1420. Since then, the system could be thoroughly premeditated and explained, and it resulted to the significant mechanisms of artists, more particularly painters, in their search of reality. The people who were both scientists and artists were Leonardo da Vinci and Piero della Fr ancesca. We are uncertain whether these people would have comprehended our dissimilarity involving science and art. Giotto is amongst the recognized figures in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Criminal profiling and the types of crime Essay Example for Free
Criminal profiling and the types of crime Essay Crime Murder is the unlawful taking of human life It is a behavioral act that terminates life in the context of power, personal gain, brutality, and sometimes sexuality. Murder is a subcategory of homicide, which also includes lawful taking of human life, such as, manslaughter, deaths resulting from criminal and non- criminal negligence, and unpremeditated vehicular deaths (Megargee, 1982) With murder there are murders who sometimes go on for months without being caught for the murders they have done. But eventually, the murder catches on to them through the behavior of the murder. Behavior reflects the personality, everything observed at a crime scene tells a story and reflects something about the unknown subject who committed the crime. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Modus operandi and victimology are very important factors in an investigation. These terms could link a murder to different scenes of crime that they committed that they are not yet charged with. Modus operandi is the method of procedure or a method of operation that suggests the work of one crime to other crimes. Victimology is the study of victims of crime. The offender often leaves signatures (something repeated at each crime, like slashes in the throat and a bullet between the eyes) which can point a profiler at the offenders personality. Criminal Profiling Do you ever wonder what criminal profilers do? Criminal filer is a job that is different from other jobs people have. â€Å"Criminal profiling is defined and described as a technique whereby the probable characteristics of a criminal offender or offenders are predicted based on the behaviors exhibited in the commission of a crime.†(Kocsis 2006, p. 1) Due to a various amount of crime shows and social media criminal profiling meaning is often misinterpreted and the job is mixed up. Criminal profiler often examines the work a murder does and figures out their personality through crime. There are many different kinds of murderers and types of murders ranging from mass homicide, rape, computer crimes, etc. Homicide. Homicide can be classified by the number of victims, style, and type of homicide. One person is defined as a signal homicide, two victims killed in the same location around the same time is a double homicide and lastly, a triple homicide is three victims killed in the same location around the same time. Unlike homicide mass murders have â€Å"two subcategories of mass murder: classic mass murder and family mass murder. A      classic mass murder involves one person operating in one location at one period of time,   which could be minutes or hours or even daysThe second type of mass murder is family mass murder. If four or more family members are killed and the perpetrator takes his own life, it is classified as a mass murder-suicide. Without the suicide and with four or more victims, the murder is classified as a family mass murder.†(Ressler, Burgess, Douglas,     1988) Usually, someone that commits a mass murder is a mentally il l individual whos problems have increased to the point where they act to groups of people who are unrelated to the problems. A Spree murder is a single event with more than one location and no cooling off to think before another murder. A Serial murder is three or more events in three or more separate locations with a cooling off time. Gang motivated murder is the murder of a group of three or more that sometimes ends in homicide. Arson and Bombing. Arson is the crime of fire with the intent of harming someone or something. Arson is very hard to investigate due to all the debris, collapsed buildings, and ashes. But when investigating a fire scene you are to find where the fire originated from or started. If the fire does not seem to look like an accident it is a person. Crime scene investigators usually note from arsons that organized arsonist have electronic timing mechanisms, less evidence they were there, and have items to start fires with them. While disorganized crime has the materials with them on hand like cigarettes or lighter fluid, and they leave physical evidence. Aerial bombing is when one attacks a public place where there are to be a lot of people. Rape and Sexual Assault. Rape and sexual assault include criminal offenses in which victims are forced or coerced to participate in sexual activity. Physical violence may or may not be involved. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Usually victims of rate are put into different categories depending on how old you are. Adults; at least eighteen years old and have the exception for mentally ill, brain impaired, or psychotic, adolescents; thirteen to seventeen years old who have reached puberty, children; twelve year of younger, lastly elders who are sixty or older. When someone reports a rape case the investigators are to see if it was a situational or preferential sexual motives. Examples of both situational and preferential sexual motives are described below: Situationally motivated sexual assaults are those committed to fulfill sexual and other       needs without the elements of the offense being necessary for arousal or gratification (such as raping a woman because she is available and vulnerable). Preferentially motivated sexual assaults are those committed to fulfill sexual and other needs with some elements of the offense being necessary for arousal or gratification (for example, raping a woman because the offender cannot feel aroused or gratified without an unwilling partner). (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Sexual rituals are patterns of behavior or rituals that are hard for the rapist to change. Both preferential and situational sex offenders may have an MO, but the preferential offender is more likely to have a sexual ritual. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Nonlethal crimes. There are criminal acts that begin as, and sometimes remain, nonlethal crimes. In some of the crimes, such as burglary, threats, and stalking, there may be no physical contact, and the victim is not physically injured. But the victim may fear for their life or the life of loved ones, so it is suggested you report these crimes to police. Communication threats are to cause harm by a threat, terrorist threats are a good example of a communication threat. Direct threats are aimed at a certain person while indirect threats are told in a vague manner. There are also written, letter, and symbolic threats to where something is sent to you or placed on a desk or inside a mailbox. We often hear physical threats a lot, our parents may threaten us by telling us they will take our phones if we do not do good on the test. Stalking is often another form of nonlethal crime, stalking is a form of following. Robbery is taking something that is not there, The element of force differentiates robbery from embezzlement, larceny, and other types of theft. Armed robbery involves the use of a weapon. High- way robbery takes place outside and in a public place. Carjacking is the act of stealing a car from a victim, usually at gunpoint. Bank robbery is the robbing of banks and financial institutions. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Computer and cybercrime. Not all crimes are going to be involved in person or through a threat some crimes are involved with cyber and computers. Computer crimes are when someone hacks into a computer system and puts malware that messes up and destroys the computers walls so that the person can take over the computer or destroy it. Virus are a good start to this computer crimes, virus are embedded in emails or music that we download illegally that damages the software or hardware on the computer. A worm is a code that damages computer files or slows the computer down, which comes from other programs like emails. Trojan horses are programs placed on a computer to send and take information and send it to computer user who used the trojan. Cyberstalking is a use of following a target through social media which is typically like stalking. Money laundering is a crime used to make illegal funds appear to be legal. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Bank Fraud is when money is illegally obtained from on bank account and put into a different bank account. Cybercrime is costing the world $110 billion every year. But according to McAfee Inc. the cost is actually approximately $1 trillion. With all this money being spend on cyber crimes we could be finding new way on how to get rid of cancer or to help stop global warming. Conclusion Crimes come in all different shapes and sizes. Not all crimes need to be homicide or murder they simply can be someone taking over your computer with a virus. Being aware of all these different kinds of crime come in handy. Just remember when committing a crime Modus operandi and victimology are important factors in an investigation and if they don’t find you now they will find you in the future. References Burgess, A., Burgess, A., Ressler, R. (1992). Crime Classification Manuel (Second ed.) (J. Douglas, Ed.). Jossey Bass A Wiley Imprint. Geberth, V.J. (1983). Practical homicide investigation: Tactics, procedures, and forensic techniques. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Hyman, P. (2013). Cybercrime: Its Serious, But Exactly How Serious?. Communications Of The ACM, 56(3), 18-20. doi:10.1145/2428556.2428563 Kocsis, R. N. (2006). Criminal profiling. [electronic resource]: principles and practice. Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, c2006. Pinizzotto, A. J., Finkel, N. J. (1990). Criminal personality profiling: An outcome and process study. Law And Human Behavior, 14(3), 215-233. doi:10.1007/BF01352750
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Wallow: Water for the Animals and Opportunity for the Hunter :: Descriptive Writing Examples
The Wallow: Water for the Animals and Opportunity for the Hunter Every September seems to find me in a tree stand above a wallow, hearing elk screaming out their mating calls to each other. In this tree stand, I wait for a big bull to come in and give me a nice shot. This wallow may teach a few lessons in life and also many things about nature. At least that's the things I received from sitting at this wallow. As I sat in the top wallow in water gulch, I learned tons of patience, and even got a feel for the elk's need for this wallow. This wallow is very meaningful to me and will remain this way forever. This is also a place that I find to be very addictive and beautiful. Water Gulch is a big gulch on our hunting property up above Crawford. We lease this 3,500 acre ranch for elk and deer hunting during the months of August through November. The gulch is a big draw that is full of beautiful aspen trees and thick oak brush. It is very thick and hard to spot animals until they reach the bottom of the draw. The bottom of the draw contains three different wallows. The wallows are all surrounded by extremely steep slopes that even I don't want to challenge. On this particular occasion, I chose to sit at the top wallow in a tree stand. This wallow served as a mud bath for the magnificent elk. Broken tree limps and brush covered the wallow, making many obstacles for the elk to reach the water. This large mud bath had proven itself a great place to hunt in the past, so I gave it a try. I was only 12 years old on this day and what a day it turned out to be. The weather was perfect for a great September archery hunt. It was the last day of the season and throughout the year I had seen many large bulls at this same exact location. I had even seen a monster five point that would score around 300 inches. An extraordinary bull in many hunters' books. This beautiful day started with me climbing up an aged aspen tree at approximately 6 o'clock in the morning. It was about 30-40 degrees and the chill made my neck hair stand straight up. After scaling straight up the tree, I settled in and got cozy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lars and the Real Girl
My perceptions and presumptions about people who order sex dolls is not limited on the morality of the person but on how he was raised as a child. In most cases, people who perform something unusual is a refelction on his childhood days. This perception and presumption was supported by the movie Lars and the Real Girl wherein Lars fell in love with a doll because of his unhappy childhood. In my case, if a family member or a friend ordered a sex doll, I will not judge the person right away.I will deal the matter with reasonable thinking and focus on the reason why the said act happened. 2. Discuss how Lars constructs a social identity for Bianca. Lars constructed a social identity for Bianca by means of introducing her as his girlfriend, as if she was a real girl. The fact that Bianca is just a doll was lost when the townspeople accepted her character as if she was a real girl. Since Lars treated Bianca as a real girl and allowed her to grow by working as a model and attending meeting s, he painted a scenario that Bianca is an active and normal girl who loves him.Hence, the social identity of Bianca is a girl who is willing to love him while reaching for her dreams. 3. How do the people of the town set up social phenomena (or systemsâ€â€i. e. , concepts and practices) and follow through with them in relation to Lars and Bianca? In other words, how does the community create for Bianca a subjectivity rather than the objectivity of a doll? Give examples of the shared ideas the community adopts and accepts about Lars, Bianca and their relationship. The townspeople accepted Bianca as a real girl despite the fact that she was a doll.They also accepted her as the girlfriend of Lars which made Lars able to interact with them well. Aside from that, the people in the town allowed Bianca to work as a model in a clothing store and attend social activities. When Bianca was sick and later on died, the people in the town also offered flowers and support for the couple, Lars and Bianca. 4. What moral presumptions (rules that we follow) does the community share about family or romantic relationships? About humanity? About dignity? About sexuality? Explain.About family and romantic relationships, our moral presumption is that boy-girl relationships must be acceptable in the soceity in such a way that parents and family members agree to the relationship. The girl must be hardworking, attractive, and intelligent. In the human race, the person who knows how to interact well with other people are always accepted in the society. People base friendship and camaraderie with how a person agree to the norms and practices of the community he or she belongs. A person is also considered dignified when he has pride and wit to run his life.For example, in the movie Lars and the Real Girl, the attitude of Lars in buying a sex doll named Bianca in the Internet made people think that he was insane. But when he introduced Bianca to the people and the latter's acceptance m ade Lars capable of interacting well with them, he became a dignified person and was accepted as a real man (The Internet Movie Database, 2009, p. 1). Sexuality is based on the quest of becoming a real man and capable of performing responsibilities in the family and the society as a whole. 5.Use deductive reasoning to justify the community’s conduct in Lars and the Real Girl. (A one-sentence hypothesis) The people in the community believes that the presence of Bianca in the life of Lars made him a better person. 6. Use inductive reasoning to construct an idea about people who buy sex dolls using Lars and the Real Girl. (A one-sentence hypothesis) Buying sex dolls is not really an immoral act, and what is important is how the act touches the lives of many people. 8. Is Lars’ relationship with Bianca immoral?Why or why not? The relationship of Bianca and Lars is not really immoral. Their relationship is based on the norms of the society and the difference is only the fac t that Bianca is a doll and not the real girl. But it still depends on the way people think and perceive in a given situation. 9. Which statement best describes your assessment of this film? Why? a. I believe that the movie reinforced the belief that femininity (and females) is best represented by silence and passivity. b.I believe that the movie offered a view of femininity (and females) that is vibrant, active and engaged in their abilities and lives. I choose this description in the film as an assessment because it was proven in the movie that a vibrant, active, and hard working girl is mostly accepted in the society. Like Bianca, any girl who works hard and interact well with other people is a likeable person. References The Internet Movie Database. 2009. Lars and the Real Girl. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0805564/.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Categories of Music Essay
1. What is a symphony? A symphony is an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, typically in four movements. 2. What is a sonata? How is it related to the sonata form? A sonata is a large-scale composition that is played rather than sung. 3. What is a coda? A coda will use music from the movement, typically doesn’t does not add anything to the â€Å"argument†. 4. What are the three different parts of the sonata form? Describe each part. The three parts off sonata are Exposition, Development, and Recapitulation. Exposition is the first part of the sonata, where the composer will bring in or â€Å"expose†all of the music ideas. Development is the second part of the sonata, it is where the composer builds on the two themes from the exposition. Recapitulation is the third part of the sonata, it is where exposition is repeated. 5. What are the three different periods of Beethoven’s work? Describe each part. Critical Thinking Questions 1. What are the characteristics of the music of the Classical period? 2. How does the music of the Classical period differ from the music of the Baroque period? Baroque music tends to be for small chamber orchestras and is usually very intricate, with many layers. Classical music tends to be for larger orchestras and for showing off virtuoso talents or entertainment rather than for praising God or presenting solemn tunes to kings, as much Baroque music was. 3. Choose one of the composers discussed in the lesson and listen to some of his work. Which pieces did you listen to? How would you describe these pieces of music? What makes the music characteristic of the Classical era? 4. What social and cultural influences impacted the music of the Classical period? Do you think today’s music is influenced by social and cultural factors? Why or why not? Both art and politics were great composers who knew what they were doing and their composings had amazing hits. 5. What was important about Vienna during the Classical period? Vienna was important during the Classical period because great civilization was developed in the past and actually in classical period.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Add Rocket Fuel to Your Job Search Strategy
How to Add Rocket Fuel to Your Job Search Strategy Finding a job like everything else in life requires a plan. When you buy a new car, you probably look at different car makers, models and reviews. You learn about the vehicle’s handling, braking distance and gas mileage. Once you have acquired a knowledge base, you might visit showrooms, check classified ads or go online. Finding a job is not very different. The parameters might be, but the basic research, knowledge acquisition and plan execution are not. Pick a Job That Is Right for YouThe first order of business is to look at your strengths, interests and experience. You need to identify the job that best suits you. Once you have established that, it is a good idea to check who is hiring in the area. Job classifieds may detail local openings. Online job sites, such as TheJobNetwork, provide multiple listings and send email alerts when a job opportunity surfaces.Companies and Hiring ProfilesOnce you have chosen the type of job you want, it is important to search for compan ies who offer that type of work. Companies are often specific about the type of candidate needed. Whether written directly or not, companies put forth a hiring profile. Deciding if you meet the criteria is a good first step. If so, checking into company preferences concerning resume style and other information the company may want is advisable. Use the resume to set yourself apart and provide categorization of your strengths and achievements while staying within the company job description.Creating the Resume and Extraneous ProfilesPotential employers often check out applicants on LinkedIn. Having a profile that is well written and provides an accurate presentation of your skills, employment history and connections is important. In addition, knowing about a company will help to set you apart later on during the interview process. This shows attentiveness to detail and curiosity, qualities that are highly valued. Researching the company and its beliefs and value system, as well as it s product or services, indicates that you have taken the time to learn about the company.Checking Your Resume and Cover LetterWriting a generic cover letter and resume is a good idea. Your resume should succinctly chronicle your experience and training as well as education. Modifying the resume and cover letter to fit the job makes sense. It is obvious to employers when the resume is not job specific. Letting a mentor or friend review your resume and LinkedIn profile helps give you fresh perspective.Job OutlookThe job outlook has seen an uptick since 2010, and statistically this growth is strong. The number of jobs in each sector varies. By using labor statistics, it is possible for a job seeker to determine which category has the most jobs at any given time.Finding Jobs Depends On Where You LookLooking online for jobs every day helps you catch a new opening as soon as it is announced. TheJobNetwork finds opportunities and alerts you by email as soon as a job is available. Signing u p for this service is free and easy. Once you upload your information, this job recruitment network searches its database and others for new job opportunities.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
ACT English for Math and Science People
How to Ace SAT Writing/ACT English for Math and Science People SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you a math or science person who feels intimidated by SAT Writing or ACT English? Do you think that your natural abilities will prevent you from doing well on the Writing and English sections? This article should alleviate your concerns. I'll let you know how you can excel on Writing or English even if you're more skilled in math and science. Furthermore, I'll provide you with important tips and strategies that will enable your success. Why You Shouldn’t Worry If you're worried that you can't excel on the SAT Writing/ACT English section if you're not a published novelist with superlative reading comprehension and writing skills, let me ease your fears. With the right studying and ample practice, you can do well even if you're not a naturally gifted writer. Maybe you're worried that you won't be able able to understand the passages well enough. Not a problem. Even though the questions come from longer passages, most of the questions pertain to specific sentences or paragraphs. None of the questions require more than a superficial understanding of the passage. Perhaps you're concerned because you have a limited vocabulary, and you're not familiar with the big fancy words that have become associated with the SAT. Don't fret. Most of the vocabulary isn’t extremely complicated or abstruse (an old SAT world). The SAT has done away with very difficult vocabulary words. Do you feel like you struggle with grammar? Do you have no idea when to use a comma? Are you clueless about the difference between "there" and "their?" You can overcome these obstacles. The grammar questions are based on rules that can be learned fairly quickly. You don’t need to have a strong intuitive grasp of English and writing to correctly answer most of the grammar questions. Are you scared of the organization or transition questions that test your knowledge of writing style? The majority of the writing style questions can be correctly answered by using logic and employing basic strategies. 3 Awesome Strategies for Success I recommend using these strategies to do well on SAT Writing/ACT English as a math/science person. #1: Rely on Grammar Rules Instead of What Sounds Right For all grammar questions, try to identify the rule that's being tested. Keep in mind that some questions will test multiple rules. Keep in mind that some questions will test multiple rules. If there’s a grammar error, select the answer choice that corrects the error without creating any additional errors. Often, the SAT and ACT provide answer choices that sound right to many people, but they contain subtle grammar errors. By relying on your knowledge of grammar rules, you’re less likely to overlook errors and make careless mistakes. ACT Example Here's a question taken from an actual ACT. If you’re not familiar with the grammar rules for the ACT, this sentence may sound fine to you. You may not detect any obvious grammar error and select A. However, if you study ACT grammar rules, you’ll know that the shortest answer that doesn’t contain a grammatical error and conveys the same information as the original sentence will be the right answer. Also, you’ll know that the word â€Å"being†often indicates a wordiness error. The correct answer is C. SAT Example You'll see the importance of following grammar rules on this question from an official practice SAT. If you rely on what sounds right, you may miss the grammar errors in this sentence. Whenever you see a verb underlined, you need to ensure that the verb agrees with its subject and that the correct form of the verb is being used. Also, whenever a pronoun is underlined, you need to check to see that the pronoun has a clear antecedent and that the correct form of the pronoun is being used. In this sentence, the singular verb â€Å"was†corresponds with the plural subject â€Å"Harvey Houses,†and the singular pronoun â€Å"its†refers to the Harvey Houses, too. Both the verb and the pronoun should be plural. The correct answer is B. #2: Use A Systematic Approach for Reading the Passages Before taking the SAT/ACT, you should have a tested approach for reading SAT Writing/ACT English passages. There are multiple approaches you can take to reading the passages: sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, answer as you go, or passage first. Read the article on how to approach ACT English passages or how to approach SAT Writing passages for more information explaining the various approaches and how to decide which one will work for you. Once you settle on the approach that works best for you, you’ll be able to maximize your efficiency and make the best use of your time. #3: Review Examples of Questions Related to Each Grammar Rule and Type of Writing Style Question The SAT and ACT use the same types of questions on each test. Reviewing each type of question will increase your familiarity and understanding of all of the different questions. You’ll be more comfortable with the content on the SAT/ACT. Create a study guide of questions from real ACTs/official practice SATs. Check out our articles in SAT Writing and ACT English to learn about all the different types of questions and for examples of each question type. Key Topics to Study If you’re not a reader or extremely proficient with English, you may struggle with questions that don’t conform to specific rules, like word choice and idiom questions. However, there are a number of topics you can study that are relatively straightforward and conform to rules that you should be able to understand. For a breakdown of the grammar rules you should know, check out my articles on the most important grammar rules for the SAT and ACT. Here are some of the most often tested topics that, even as a science/math person, you should be able to master with a little practice. I’ve linked to the related articles which thoroughly explain the rules you need to know and provide example questions. Punctuation SAT Writing and ACT English both emphasize punctuation rules. You need to know when and how to use commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, and dashes. While you may have no idea how to use punctuation right now, the punctuation rules tested on the SAT and ACT aren’t overly complex. Read our articles on punctuation, possessives, and commas. We break down all the rules and provide example questions. Transitions Transitions are more heavily emphasized on the SAT, but they're tested on both SAT Writing and ACT English. You need to know which transition word to use in a given sentence, and you need to be able to select the sentence that will most logically connect ideas in a passage. While transition questions can seem difficult to students who aren’t strong in English, there are some rules you can learn to simplify transition questions. Make sure to review our transition articles. Transition questions rely on logic, and I assume that’s a strength for all the math and science people. Wordiness and Redundancy As I mentioned previously, the basic wordiness rule is that a sentence should be grammatically correct and concise. The shortest grammatically correct sentence that conveys that same information as the original sentence will be the correct answer. On both the SAT and ACT, all else being equal, shorter is better. Review our wordiness and redundancy articles for example and practice questions. Verb Forms Verb tenses and forms are tested on both the SAT and ACT, but verb questions are more common on the ACT. If you know how different tenses are used and keep verb tenses consistent, you should be able to correctly answer the verb questions you encounter. Organization/Macro-Logic Both the SAT and the ACT test you on how to organize a passage. Macro-logic refers to knowing where sentences and paragraphs should go in a passage. You’ll be a asked where a sentence should be placed in a paragraph, and you’ll be asked where a paragraph should be placed in a passage. Basically, you need to remember that each sentence should logically connect to the sentence that follows, and each paragraph should logically transition to the next one. Owen Moore/Flickr Key Tips to Help You Correctly Answer SAT Writing/ACT English Questions Here are some important tips that will help you eliminate wrong answer choices and improve your score. Read the Whole Sentence This tip is extremely important for the SAT Writing and ACT English section. Most questions will ask you how to change the underlined portion of a sentence. Don’t just read the underlined portion. You need to read the entire sentence. For some questions, like transition questions and verb tense questions, you often need to read the surrounding sentences as well. If Two Answer Choices Are Functionally the Same, Both Are Wrong If two errors are functionally identical, both must be wrong. You may see this on redundancy, punctuation, or transition questions. Here’s a transition question from SAT Writing to illustrate this point. This is a transition question. You need to read both sentences to determine the relationship between them and select the correct transition to use. In looking at the answer choices, C and D are functionally identical. They can be used interchangeably; therefore, both answer choices must be wrong. Now, you only have to choose between A and B. Because the second sentence is illustrating the opinion expressed in the first sentence, the correct answer is A. â€Å"However†is used to indicate contrast. Don’t Fear No Change Some students think the NO CHANGE option can’t be right, but sometimes NO CHANGE will be the correct answer. In fact, on ACT English, NO CHANGE tends to be more common than expected if all the answer choices were distributed evenly. If a sentence doesn’t seem to contain an error, look at the differences between the answer choices to determine what concept is being tested. Then, look at the original sentence to ensure that there is no error pertaining to that concept or rule. Review: Key Takeaways To sum up the important points I've previously mentioned, here are the most essential things to remember on your quest to get a wonderful SAT Writing/ACT English score You Can Do It! This is the most important thing to remember. Even if you're a math/science person, you're capable of doing exceptionally well on the SAT Writing/ACT English section if you're diligent in your preparation. Grammar Can Be Your Friend There's no reason to think you have to be a professional grammarian to get a top score. While some of the grammar questions can be challenging, most of them apply to rules that can be learned fairly quickly with proper studying and practice. Targeted Practice Will Lead You to Your Target Score If you study and understand each type of question from real ACTS and the official practice SATs, you'll do well on test day. Again, make sure you're familiar with all the differenct concepts that are tested on SAT Writing/ACT English, and know the proper steps to take to correctly answer each type of question. Review our SAT Writing and ACT English articles for content instruction, example questions, and strategies. What's Next? If you're feeling very confident and want to strive for perfection, find out how to get perfect scores on ACT English and SAT Writing. Also, learn 8 crucial ACT English tips and 5 tips for SAT Writing. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online prep programs. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more or your ACT score by at leat 4 points. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and English lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ethical Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethical Theories - Assignment Example However, most of the time a decision taken for the interest of an individual usually affects the interests of others. In such a case, other people may regard such actions as unethical. A critical evaluation of such a situation is likely to lead to a conclusion that every person is an egoist because an offence usually occurs when their interests are not achieved. According to Cecily and Payne (1990), â€Å"the free market economy operates under such philosophies†. This kind of market devoid of government influence through regulations generates a society in which each individual seeks to satisfy personal interests, and if everybody is successful, then the society will benefit as a whole. So long as each individual in business will be capable of making profits legitimately, then he/she will have fulfilled the moral obligation of the business. However, it is important for people to distinguish between egoism and selfish interests. It is most likely that selfish interests will cause an imbalanced society whereby some individuals will be deprived. Export of capital is significant in fulfilling economic goals. It facilitates growth of foreign direct investments and businesses in foreign countries grow. This helps in increasing the profitability of capitalists who would otherwise suffer a reduction in profits due to lack of opportunities for investment despite the surplus capital. In the less developed countries, there is scarcity of capital while the market remains unexploited, and there is availability of cheap land. On the other hand, there are cheap labour as well as cheap raw materials. Export of capital is also significant in the maintenance of a balance of trade (Tone 1991). This is because if a country liberalizes its market for foreign investors, which is the case in the United States, it also needs to find market for its domestic products, which helps in increasing exports so that the imports do not exceed the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Usability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Usability - Essay Example Therefore, for the Web, usability is a necessary condition for survival.†(Nielsen, 2010). Five basic criteria were selected from a number of criteria provided by other comparable websites for this purpose. Each criterion was compared or correlated with other criteria used by other websites. If parameters of a criterion were found encompassing with the other sites’ criteria on a more broad range, then this was taken as a major criterion. Each criterion was applied while doing actual access and navigation of the given sites. The five chosen and listed criteria for this purpose were: a) aesthetic page design; b) organization and functionality; c) content coverage and accuracy; d) effectiveness and relevance and finally, e) client satisfaction. Given these criteria, the three cited websites were assessed accordingly indicating their areas with low or high usability and the corresponding recommendations how to improve their usability, if found low. The succeeding process of evaluation was also based on first hand experience on actual navigation, exploration and access of the given sites. It is expected that with this exercise, this study can provide an initial assessment whether these sites have high or low usability and if low, what are the best recommendations to improve their usability. (Benbunan-Fich, 2001) defined the concept of usability as â€Å"how well and how easily a user, without formal training, can interact with an information system of a website†(Wang, J. and Senecal, S. 2007). Succeeding discussion delves on brief descriptions of each selected criterion and how each was related to the evaluation. As the user opens the website, his visuals land first with its homepage and the first that are stimulated is his aesthetic senses. The first criterion relates to the impact of the aesthetic page design. The strength of the visual design usually adds value to the users’ aesthetic
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